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Im New And Need Some Tips


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Hi :help

Ive just got into grip training and I cant wait to get strong enough to have a go at coc grippers. But for now I have a Powerball, Ive made a DIY jobbie pinch block and I have some regular sports shop grippers, oh yeah and a couple of squash balls.

Help me out guys what sort of training should i be doing to get started on a serious level???

And i wanted to point out that im kinda skinny at the moment and my hands are kinda puny, will grip traing beef up my forearm, wrist and hand muscles? I know my forearms are gonna grow but what out the muscles in my hands.

Cheers guys :bow

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Get the KTA program and it will help get strong in those grippers.

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It depends, do you want to put on muscle mass as well as getting bigger/stronger hands or do you only really want to work on stonger hands? Cause as for big forearms, your whole body kinda has to grow, too! You dont see giant forearms on a 120 pound guy usually! If it is your goal to put on size and gain hand strength, do lots of heavy lifting with squats/deadlifts/dips/pullups/overhead pressing. Drink at least 3 gallons of milk a week (good source of protein and necessary fats/calories) and get lots of rest. Train your grippers intermittently azs your workout goes along. If you only work out once a week really hard for your entire body, do grippers twice a week...one on the day you workout and one a few days later. If you only carfe about hand strength, do grippers twice a week to start out...but i would recommend doing sqwuats a couple times a week because they will put your body in a growth state and you will recover fastger and stronger from grip exercises.

Best hand exercises in my opinion: Grippers (using minimal set) and Thickbar work. Pinch gripping, too is good on occasion, but most importantly, dont try to do everything at once grip-wise. Do everything in the beginning and finds out what you love to do, and stick to one or two types of grip exercises.

Bending is excellent too for giving you forearms of steel.

Welcome to the Gripboard, CajunJay

Where do you hail from?

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Hi guys, Im from London UK.

Ihave been working out for about 2 years and have gained about 1 stone in muscle and a few extra pounds on my belly admitidly :blush

Im quite happy with the size of my body but im still working out 3 times a week to gain more muscle mass, ive actually realised that ive neglected my forearms so my main concern is to build them up so they catch up with the rest of my body gains. im really trying to focus on gaining a strong grip and making my hands more bigger/stonger in general.

I will go with what you said and see how i progress

what will be my best get as to obtaining what im aiming for, bigger more beefy stronger hands with a grip to match.

Thanks a lot meat loaf :rock

Edited by cajunjay
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Just make sure you get enough protein

Click on this

Hail to England!!!

Ive also read from guys who have BIG forearms that they did a lot of high rep wrist curls...like sets of 20 or 50 until the burning is EEEEEEEVIL.


Edited by Meat Loaf
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if you want big forearms your not likely gunna get it from grippers

just like if you want a strong grip you wont get it from wrist curls

although grippers will strengthen the tendons in your hands

you have a long ways to go my friend, but the journey is half the fun

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congrats on joining the best place in the world for hand strength, the gripboard! if grippers are your interest, then focus on them. i would do something for your thumb, but double overhand deadlifts on a thick bar help that alot. i know alot of people can say this......grippers can be addictive. dont hesitate to take a day off if you think you need. its hard to put them down at first, and often when you are experienced it is still hard :blush if you are looking for size in your forearms, make thick bar wristcurls a mainstay. men like chuck sipes built their incredibly huge forearms on these. wrist curls and grippers will give you the best of both worlds.....size and strength. have fun brother!

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Thickbar pressing and supporting has made my wrist thicker. Wide pinching (blockweights and such) will add meat to your hands. Do not neglect your extensors. Sledge hammer levering is neccisary for an all around strong wrist, leverage bars are just fine too. Other key wrist exercises are plate curls, and reverse curls. See if you can learn anything from different people's training logs. But since you're new to grip training, do not feel that you need to match their volume in any aspect.

And as always when looking for information on the gripboard, use the search function.

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sweet pic meat loaf....now you'll have to change your name to demaio...or ross the boss :mosher:mosher

I was a newb too...i still am...but I've come pretty far in a few months with the help from all the great peopole on this board. Don't be afraid to pick their brains.......they don't mind (i think)....

Edited by ishred
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Ive made myself a block now and Im not to good at gripping it only got about 12kg attached at the moment. Whats the best way to train with a block? :dry

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Best way? Try them all! Timed holds, dynamic lifts (lifting really fast, high, or tossing them back and forth), 2 hand pinches with it, negatives, deloading.

search for them if you don't know them.

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Ive just got into grip training and I cant wait to get strong enough to have a go at coc grippers. But for now I have a Powerball, Ive made a DIY jobbie pinch block and I have some regular sports shop grippers, oh yeah and a couple of squash balls.

Help me out guys what sort of training should i be doing to get started on a serious level???

To "have a go" at the grippers, you haffta GET the grippers.

Since your in the UK, I believe Pullums carries the COC grippers. Get the Trainer, the #1 and the #2 for now.

Also there's a jolly ole chap in the UK by the name of David Horne who is a grip legend. Contact him and he'll give you the best info on grip strength and grip training. If you can't get in touch with David, you can also try Steve Gardener or Nick McKinless.

The best site on the internet for grip strength and grip training is RIGHT HERE - the GripBoard. You have the finest collection of the strongest hands in the world here on this forum! So you've come to the right place!! :D

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