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I should recieve mine in the mail tomorrow. I can't to wait to see the UPS guy again. I was thinking and found this to be funny, maybee just funny to me but none the less funny so I thought I would share. The last thing I had sent through UPS was a 50lb medicine ball. I happened to be outside in the front yard when it was delivered. It was in a cardboard box, well, I use box loosely because by the time it made the trip to my house the "box" pretty much took on the shape of a sphere. He pulled up, got out and struggled to shoulder the thing. Walking it to the door he looked he just ate a bad apple. This was pretty late in the day so he probably was tired from a long days work. I forgot to mention that I live in Houston so it was quite hot & humid and UPS trucks don't have A/C.

He asked me "what the hell you got in here bud". My response, " a play ball". he didn't respond verbally but the look on his face looked like "wtf". I said "yep a 50 pounder". Again no verbal response from him. As he was walking off I jokingly told him that I'd be ordering the 100 pounder next month. So, I can't wait to greet him at the door when he comes with the blob 50. I am, however, dissappointed that UPS won't deliver the inch to my door, that would have been great. :laugh

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My UPS guy insisted that the 50 lb Blob he was delivering had to be a bowling ball!

That sounds like the gripboard league :blink Bowl a 300 w/a 50lb ball and you'd be the man!

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Blob50 was inside the door when I got home tonight. I'm Dissappointed that I missed the actual delivery though. It looks great, though I have nothing to compare to, except hex weights. It is a lot easier to get more of my fingers on the surface of it, compared to the hex, but it feels very slick. I don't expect to be able to lift it for some time yet, but I will tote her to the gym tomorrow, chalk up and give her a go. Now I'm just waiting for the blobette to arrive. It should be any day now. Thanks again to GordonV. If not for his efforts who knows how long it would have been before oppurtunity afforded me the chance to place my hands on one of these chunky little things.

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Bowl a 300 w/a 50lb ball and you'd be the man!

I went bowling a few months ago with a wimpy 16 pounder.

I wonder if anyone makes very heavy bowling balls? :happy

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Could be a new strongman event

Bowling with Atlas stones :whistel

Don't know what you would use as pins tho

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Could be a new strongman event

Bowling with Atlas stones :whistel

Don't know what you would use as pins tho

Beer kegs?

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If you want a really heavy bowling ball, you can use the 56lb steel ball that is thrown for distance in the scottish games. Just take off the chain and handle, drill some finger sized holes and there ya go. If you tried to bowl with this at your local lanes they would probably know it's an odd ball by the fact that you smashed the pins to sawdust.

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John Beatty Posted on Aug 19 2004, 04:28 AM

  QUOTE (Octogen @ Aug 19 2004, 06:51 AM)

Could be a new strongman event

Bowling with Atlas stones 

Don't know what you would use as pins tho 

Beer kegs? 

John I demand this be an event at the next Snowman!

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Just discovered where the wife was hiding my new Blob50 at. It's supposed to be a Christmas present but I figured there wouldn't be any left around December so I ordered one now. Anyway it is AWESOME, just AWESOME, I love it. I just had a few goes with it and could do absolutely nothing with it but now I"m inspired to hit my pinch training hard with the goal of hoisting it on Christmas morning. My training weapon of choice will be the TTK, we'll see how much carry-over there is. If I fail on Christmas morning then of course I'm building a deload system. A HUGE thanks to Gordon V.

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