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Hand Recovery Tip


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I can't remember whom I was talking to at the NOS II when they mentioned wearing a thick mitten<sp?> or glove at night when you sleep to help the hands recuperate. I have to wear the carpal tunnel braces when I sleep and I had still been having some problems throughout the night, especially after heavy grip work. So last night after pinch, wrist roller and leverage bar work I decided to give this a try since my hands were feeling a bit crampy and achy. I also rubbed my thumb, palm and entire wrist area with Icy Hot before putting on the brace. I then put a jersey type work glove on over top of my brace and went to bed. My hands never woke me one time last night, and the time I woke to take a leak my hands felt great. This morning when I got up my hands felt like a million bucks, no hand cramp while brushing my fangs or my other early morning tasks. They also felt strong like I could squeeze so hard I could pop bones. This was definately a good feeling for me.

So just figured I'd bring it up or pass it on to some that may have not heard it. Most of all thanks to the two that told me about this, its just a shame it took me this long to use it. Thanks a ton, I just wish I could remember your guys names. One of you was the fromer Marine with the beard who pulled the Blob...anyway heres a thanks.

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When bender first posted that, a while back I remember thinking to myself that he was a little crazy to wear thick warm mittens like that to bed every night. Then I decided to try it, and believe it or not it really does work. Your hands actually "feel" strong in the morning.

Edited by Vice
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Great tip and glad you sare it.

Max recovery.

A tip I heard is working out the legs I thought that was

foolish when I frist heard till I tried it but I use the exercise bik.

I warm up in low level and increase to hardest level and hard time

pushing the pedels for until I cannot do or four mins.

Joe kinney used horse ligment.

What other stuff is out there for max recovery.

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Do shot/ball rotations, cept put the shots in the freezer for at least a cpl hours. At first the cold hurts, then, it feels great. Icing and rotations all in one. I tend to use my largest shots for icing.

Might as well throw in contrast baths for those who have never heard of them.

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This does not work so well for me. Since at night we release heat through the hands, feet and head. My apartment is very warm. I cannot sleep with my feet, head, or hands covered since I will wake up in the middle of the night feeling like a I am burning up like a fire bolt. Not so swell. I don't know if anyone else feels like this, but I cannot put anything on my hands when I sleep.


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I'm the same way, Jason. The contrast baths do work well for me, though.

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This does not work so well for me. Since at night we release heat through the hands, feet and head. My apartment is very warm. I cannot sleep with my feet, head, or hands covered since I will wake up in the middle of the night feeling like a I am burning up like a fire bolt. Not so swell. I don't know if anyone else feels like this, but I cannot put anything on my hands when I sleep.

This happened to me too. After a couple of nights, I got used to it, but that first night or two was no fun. Because I noticed the good effects right away, though, I kept at it until I got used to it.

It's still enough of a hassle that I only use it if there's already a problem... i.e., I don't use it as a preventative measure.

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Well having to wear Carpal Tunnel braces at night already it was nothing for me to add the glove over top of my hand. I never even noticed it. I have been having a rough go of it with my hands for the past couple weeks and this has brought some much welcome relief. Not saying that one need use it all the time but if you got some issues like myself it can help. Anyway...

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My first experience with this was pretty uncomfortable so I scrapped this idea. Then after reading this and sustaining a wrist injury from bending, I decided to try it. I only had it on for half the night, I woke up and took my socks off my hands. But even that, made my wrist feel 50% better. At this rate I'll be fine in maybe a few days, hopefully. I was a doubter but I want to incourage you guys to give this a shot.

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I've never been the type to smother my self in blankets, but when I tried the mittens, I ended up sleeping with out my heavy blanket over my upper half. Thermo-regulation is an art.

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Do shot/ball rotations, cept put the shots in the freezer for at least a cpl hours. At first the cold hurts, then, it feels great. Icing and rotations all in one. I tend to use my largest shots for icing. .

Do you mean like the "chinese" iron balls?

I never thought to ice them that might be a good idea....

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Those who use the contrast baths...I'm assuming you mean alternating ice cold with hot water. If so, which do you start with (or does it matter) and how long in each bath and how many rotations...ie, hot 10 min, cold 10 min x2 or so?

I've been using knit gloves at night for a few days. They are fairly loose knit si I can feel the fan blowing through them so I don't know how well its working. Next time I'm out of town I'll pick up a good pair.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Do shot/ball rotations, cept put the shots in the freezer for at least a cpl hours. At first the cold hurts, then, it feels great. Icing and rotations all in one. I tend to use my largest shots for icing.

Might as well throw in contrast baths for those who have never heard of them.


I started putting my "chinese steel balls" in the freezer to ice my hands.

This is AWESOME. Thanks for the tip!

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Jack's Blue Absorbant Heat helps the hands after a hard grip workout. And yes it is horse liniment. And it works.

I use this regularly prior to my regular workouts (squats and such). Works pretty good and is cheap.

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I asked the lady at the mill what would happen if you took some of the horse stuff, and she said "lots of farmers use the horse liniments" "no, I meant the horse weight gainers" "oh, I don't know about that - its for 2000lb animals" "yea, thats what I'm shooting for" :) I have thought about trying the ointments though, says for warming up shins and sore muscles in hard training horses, think it out to work for us. And it comes in huge tubs that would be way cheaper than Nicoflex, etc. BTW, has anybody used Nicoflex? That stuff is like hell in a tube! It doesn't do anything though if you just smear it on and sit on your ass, but if you sweat, holy crap...it is like a blowtorch! It leaves my skin red, of course I need a tan.

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Equiblock is my favorite. It's pretty cheap online, and a little goes a long ways. It doesn't do much until you sweat on it, and then it burns for hours. Love it.

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has anybody used Nicoflex? That stuff is like hell in a tube! It doesn't do anything though if you just smear it on and sit on your ass, but if you sweat, holy crap...it is like a blowtorch!

Same here. I went from "this stuff doesn't work" to "Oh My God, how do I get this off!" during my first set of cleans. Unexpected for sure.

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i have some thai boxing liniment that is pure fire :D .

do you guys find that the nicoflex, equiblock, icy-hot tpye liniments help hand recovery in addition to mittens at night?

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has anybody used Nicoflex? That stuff is like hell in a tube! It doesn't do anything though if you just smear it on and sit on your ass, but if you sweat, holy crap...it is like a blowtorch!

Same here. I went from "this stuff doesn't work" to "Oh My God, how do I get this off!" during my first set of cleans. Unexpected for sure.

Years ago a friend gave me some salve to rub on to my knees before Judo practice. I don't remember the name but I remember it was made in Germany. The same story as you guys.

I put the salve on, wrapped the knee, and started practice. After a few minutes sweating the burning was excruciating. I had to run to the showers which unfortunatly was three floors done. By the time I took off the wrap the skin had blistered all around the knee. I never used that crap again.

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