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Progress W/ironmind #1 & Question


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I posted a while back about not making any progress in my grip training. I could not close the #1 that I had bought after 3 weeks of training with it. In the next 3 weeks I started improving and just closed it for 7 reps last night. My left hand could only close it for 2. Do most of you guys do more work with the left hand to help it catch up.

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I train my weeker hand first because I have a slight tendency to give a better effort on my first go. This way I typically give a bit more effort to my weaker hand. I do this with all one-side exercises.

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I find doing bicyle exerise helps over strenght including the

grip. Before gripper training work the legs by warm up frist and

then work to hardest setting as many as your can.

And do Strap holds, take vitaminE, and multi vits.

Micro load each day with the strap hold.

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it's weird, I'm left handed and my right is the stronger, I just train each one to it's own level, congrats on the #1, feels great when you finally rach your goals huh.

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I find doing bicyle exerise helps over strenght including the

grip.  Before gripper training work the legs by warm up frist and

then work to hardest setting as many as your can.


Whoa there, You gotta love the language barrier!

Strapholds explained:


Rneil, if you ever have a question try using the search function with those key words, this will get you where you need to be. Once you've read it all, you'll be the one coming up with new ideas.


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Sorry about my English

Try the (KTA) program it is really cool+if want to get

stronger faster.

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Sorry about my English

Try the (KTA) program it is really cool+if want to get

stronger faster.

No need to apologize for the english, curious as to where your from though.

(My english spelling is usually riddled with typo's)

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IAm from Nova Scotia Canada

A Mi'Kmaq tribe.

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mooinabc1 - I mean no offence, only joking with you.

Whats a A Mi'Kmaq tribe member all about?

I though Nova Scotia was all about Cod fishing?

So as not to go off topic, Rneil do you now understand what strapholds are?


Moderator edit: Please utilize the PM system for the personal

aspect questions. Or at least Goerner`s reborn. Thanks

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