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Fun Day


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Well today Tommy and Gary (da Brick King) came over to work out with me and my brother Ingvar.

We hit the dollar store on the way to my house and bought a bunch o' decks and Tommy got some crescent wrenches and pliars. My brother went to the grocery store for dogs, cokes, chips and beer. (He forgot the beer so we had to stop at an Exxon on the way home. He actually told me that I said not to get beer! I would never say that!) While he was in the store gettin grub I was in one car and Tommy and Gary were in the other. I look over the dog and see Gary huffin' and puffin'. He's tearing a deck of cards! Well, I had to watch and rolled the window down even though it was raining and cheered him on.(Damn dog was in the way because now the window was open she had to stand up in the seat and stick her head out the window.) I think this was the first deck he'd torn, and doin' it seated was a pain.

We started off with a few hot dogs and I had a few beers. My dog did a few tricks and got a few pieces of my hot dog. (I just can't help it, she's a good dog) I grabbed a glass of H2O and a beer, then we climbed down the stairs to the basment where I have my very own grip Valahalla.

Hit the grippers. Tommy repped my Elite for 4-5 reps, and mashed it lefty too.

Gary mashed my 280 no sweat. (little harder than my SM) My bother Ingvar did a hydraulic close on the #3. Suprisingly, I mashed my #3 as well. I didn't expect to get my #3 since I haven't played with grippers for months. This is funny because Tommy hasn't done anything with grippers for a while and he was repping my #3 so fast and hard it was "clicking"! (knuckle head should not have pulled his name from the MM hat. He would have easily close the MM1 with his left hand.)

We went on to pinch. Gary hub lifted my York 45lb plate easily. We all played with the block weights a lot. Tommy brought a 50lb block weight that's a chunck of steel. He easily pulled it with 2 fingers. Gary got it up with 2 fingers. I only cracked it with 2 fingers.

Bending and tearing: About this time my Mom and Dad, Grandmom, and Great Aunt came over to the house and got a free show. They got a kick outta it.

Tons of nails. My best was a kinked grade 5. Those are tough little suckers. Tommy was killin the grade 5's like it nothin'. Gary was bending blots and nails the whole time. This is his new love and he was unable to keep his hands off the steel. He got a kink in a grade 5 as well and this was his first time trying the hard bend.

We all tore some "smaller" phonebooks. Tommy was giving me crap and made me tear it the "hard" way. This is hard to explain but he made it look like the book only had 4 pages. Doin' it this way took me forever, and he ripped thought a few while I was struggling with 1, hehehehe.

Tommy brought over a couple steel bars that were 3 ft by 5/8 of an inch thick (round). He told me at the beginning we were gonna bend 'em and cross the ends like a fish. I was thinking "yea right, you may but I'll be lucky to dent this"

We put the gloves on and got a couple towels so we could do it at the same time. This way I could watch him and immediatly follow his lead. Otherwise I'd forget the positioning.(they don't call me Hammerhead for nothin' :trout )

Well, I gave it all I had and the steel ended up lookin' like a fish! I can tell you right now God was with me on this one. Tommy's bar bent off center and the ends didn't cross. After I was rested he insisted I had to try to finish his bend. He always likes to say " your a big guy, look at you, do it" Gimme me a break. Size don't mean shit in the grip game. Well I gave it a whirl and got lucky. Finished his bend and practically left a load in my shorts.

Had a great time with great guys. Now it's time for ice.

(I'm sure there are tons of typos. Bear with me, there's no spell check on this and I didn't feel like proofreading)


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It was a great day :rock We all had fun.I havent been use'n the grippers since feb..

I got 4 reps with the BBE & 11 reps with the #3, then another 8 a few min. later.God is good. :bow Lets do it again soon.

:bow "God Is The Real Power" :bow

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Sounds like a great day for grip to me! :rock

Nice work guys!

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Good job with the 5/8in. bar Erik. :rock I knew you could do it.Erik's little bro Ingvar

closed the #3 really easy,not bad "4" a little guy :whistel:yikes He got close with the BBE about 1/2in. away.Keep at it Ingvar.Little Gary was a bending machine,one after another.Nice job on the cards gary "4" yer first rip.

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Very cool guys! Grip gatherings always produce PR's and build upon the community we establish here.

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I had a great time. I always enjoy a strength outing. I believe this was my first grip together. I work alot and don't get out much. I try to make an appearance at least once a year. Hopefully I'll get out around the end of the year again.

I plan to stick with bending and the card thing has my interest now. Apparently I'm a good hub lifter too. I'm about 6 or 7 months into this endevor and I'm having a great time.

Eric's dog was so cool. A very well behaved dog and so beautiful.

His family was so nice to us. Just being there was great.

His not so little brother closed a #3 then went to watch TV. like it was no big deal. Then he balanced a sledge hammer on his finger as a car came by in the street. They were looking like what the ....

Tommy did everything easy. Eric was not far behind and I could tell he has been at the grip game for some time.

It happened like Eric said........but when we got to Tommy's house it got even crazier.......he bent these giant spikes........then got out a strait jacket, that's when I headed to the door. His dad sat there watching the shopping channel like it was no big deal. I guess he sees it every day. If Tommy gets any more crazy ideas maybe I'll let him put that jacket on and take him up the street to that hospital.......just kidding.

Me being a newbie to grip, some of this stuff seems out of this world.

I posted a picture in my gallery, check it out!! You guys forgot to mention the broken adjustable wrench.

See you soon.

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Congrats again guys. More and more stuff coming

out. Eric way to finish off that 5/8". Tell your lil brother

:D Ingvar good work on that #3 close..Awesome

Gary great hub lift and card rip. The ripping is about as

addicting as the bending...lol

Tommy well I think hes always on! Great work on the grippers.

I believe you could not train em for years and still come back

and rep the #3 and Elite!! Lets hear more about them spikes!

And whats the deal with the straight jacket??? Are you

Houdini now? You guys take any pics?? If you did throw some up.

Would love to see!! Great work guys!!! :rock

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Sorry I didn't make it, sounds like I missed a good time! Keep me in the loop for the next gathering.

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