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2 Hand Platepinch Behind The Back Wrist Curl

Jonathan McMillan

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Been a while since I thought of anything creative training wise. I experimented with it this afternoon and I am quite happy with the result and aim to keep this exercise in my routine for a while. Think of a behind the back barbell wristcurl but instead of the bar you use a pair of plates that you are pinching.

My first trial I had the plates on the floor and found it too akward to get into position so my next attempt I put the plates on my bench.

A pair of 25's was more then enough for me but some of you monsters might need to start with the 35's or higher!?!?!

I think this would be a good assistance exercise to anyone focusing on the two hand plate pinch. Give it a try and see what you think!


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would that be both hands on the same pair of plates? Also, thumbs away from your back - so that they are on top at the top of the move.

Sorry to be thick,

Old Dax

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Been a while since I thought of anything creative training wise. I experimented with it this afternoon and I am quite happy with the result and aim to keep this exercise in my routine for a while. Think of a behind the back barbell wristcurl but instead of the bar you use a pair of plates that you are pinching.

We are now referring to them as McMillan Curls after it's inventor, Jonathan! :D

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Thanks guys,

Lyle and Old Dax

yes, both hands on the plates and thumb is on top at the top of the lift.


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That's sick and wrong. I'm going to have to try it.

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I'm going to try it next workout.

My hands and wrists feel fried just thinking about it man. :whacked

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