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Just Got My Grippers


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I'm new at this and haven't done any previous grip work before. I got the Coc Trainer and #1 last Wednesday. I could shut the Trainer with my right and was off by a mm with my left. I was off by about 1.5-1.75in with the #1. I don't set it even though I have small hands, but after 5 days I can close the trainer more forcefully with both hands and am about 1in away from the #1.

The only thing I am doing is shutting the trainer and mashing it as hard as I can for as long as I can (usually 20-30 seconds) and closing the #1 as far as I can and holding it until I can't anymore. I haven't really been keeping track of my sets or anything like that. Can anyone give any advice for things I can improve/add/change?

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Let me be the first to welcome you to the board Hypr. :D And also the first to suggest that you use/abuse the search function. There is a literal wealth of information on this board relating to the grippers.

One thing you might want to try is the frequent practice method. Put your gripper in a prominent place at your house or work and try to squeeze it shut every time you pass by it. Or every time you think about it.

Some might say that you could overtrain quickly, but as with everything there are many ways to accomplish a goal. This is just one of them. Good luck finding the one that works for you.

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Welcome on board.

I highly recommend to check out the Workout Reports forum.

There you will learn how many different exercises you can do.

Then you should use the search function the clearify any terms new for you (like strapholds, overcrushes, negatives and so on).

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Hey Hypr,

I'm new as well; did the same thing you did (ordering the T and 1.)

I can finally close the T with both hands, and have been only working with that.

I started out with singles through-out the day and am now doing doubles (7 or 8 sets throughout the course fo the day.) I think it's working really well so far.

Good luck!

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Be willing to set the 1 to build up the strength to close it without a set. You'll see a lot of gains by forcing the 1 closed with two hands then hanging on for all you are worth with one hand.

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welcome, you'll find a wealth of info here, but my advice is KTA. I was in the same bout as you and KTA has upped my grip to things I haven't thought possible

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Thanks for all of the encouragement. About the Kta, I was thinking that maybe I should be able to close the #1 before starting the program. I have read on here that it is very intense and I've only been doing the grippers for barely a week, so I'm thinking I should hold off for a few weeks. Maybe see how far I can go in a month and then start the Kta program, does this sound like a good idea?

About the no set close, is there a different rate of gains if I use a set? I know that setting makes it somewhat easier to close the last bit because of the leverage, but if it would take me just as long to close by training with the no set then I think I would just do that.

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the no set thing is a thorn in my side, I'm doing the KTA with a good set just shy of parrallel, I think when I reach my goal of the #3 I'm gonna do the program again with less of a set, I think the set is important and provides good gains, but if becoming a CoC is your goal remember Ironmind doesn't allow much of a set. :angry:

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The main advantage of setting right now is you will be exposing the tendons in your hand to heavier load. This will cause faster adaptation. Over time as your set strength improves, so will your no set. Especially if you are practicing it along with the sets.

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