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Rolling Thunder Question?


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I just purchased a Rolling Thunder. Not training with it yet since I'm on a gripper routine.

But, was looking at the IronMind site and it had the results of a grip contest in California. The Rolling Thunder heavy weight winner and light weight second place finisher both did about 160 lbs.

I just went and put 160 lbs on mine and lifted it?????

What are the rules with a Rolling Thunder.?

I read somewhere shoulder width stance and the thumb must wrap around on top. In the past people were cupping the thumb underneath with the other fingers.

What about wrist position? My wrist was bent abit...is this allowed?


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I believe bending the wrist is allowed by IronMind as long as the thumb is wrapped around the handle (opposing the fingers) and not cupped. IM used to allow "cupping" of the handle and then changed that rule to include the thumb opposing the fingers modification that now exists. In reality any way you choose to use the RT is your choice if you're doing it just for fun's sake. Good job with the 160 by the way. That's a very solid lift for a first time. As with all thick bar related lifting, this lift favors a long hand...and of course a strong hand. ;) Enjoy the RT, it's a great tool.

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The site, www.northamericanstrongmansociety.com, should have Rolling Thunder contest rules under "Contest Info."


Edited by Jedd Johnson
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Thanks guys...

I looked at the North American Strongman site and the Rolling Thunder rules are pretty simple. I guess I'm making a legitimate lift..:)

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The pulls at that contest seemed a little low, but with Odd proving just how much is possible I think it gives us all room to grow and goals to shoot for. Congrats on 160, that's a very nice first pull!

Edited by SqeezeMasterFlash
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