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How Have You Injured Your Hands?


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Browsing through all the old posts today, I realized that injuries are nothing new to the gripworld. I am not trying to discourage hard or novel training; I'm just trying to learn what not to do or what to do carefully. So how have you injured your hands?

As for myself:

-Computer trackball. Specifically, one of those Logitech trackballs navigated with the thumb. My right thumb still cracks when I move it.

-Hyperextending the wrist. I put my hands palm down on the floor, facing perpendicular to myself, and went for "beyond the range" training by contracting and then relaxing my forearms. Idiotic.

-Key bending with the thumbs. Too much volume.

But remember, if you are afraid of getting hurt, maybe strength training isn't your game.

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Bending: old Terminator style: I wasn't paying attention and I cranked on the steel with it over the thumb joint instead of the meaty part of my vice hand. Coudn't bend for awhile

Bending: When trying to learn the double overhand I had the steel up too high on my hand and ended up getting a deep bruise between the knuckles of my first two fingers. It hurt to even set grippers with my left hand.

I learned from both mistakes so I can't complain.

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Smashed my finger between two atlas stones yesterday. The entire last joint of my left index finger is dark purple. I'll be training 3 finger lifts for awhile :D

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Bending, high double overhand style during a time when I was doing high volume gripper work. Hurt the tendon in the knuckle of my middle finger

Now I try and stick to one or the other if I'm going to go full-bore.

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High double overhand bending. Used to bend old term style, getting up to grade 5's. Found the high double overhand style to work for me, so I jumped right in to Grade 5's 6" and under. wrist wise, no problem, but now, deep in my left hand, about right in the middle of your life line, where the nail plants into my hand, seriously hurts. It feels like a did some type of damage to my index and middle finger flexor tendons..or something. Anyway, with bendin, regardless of strenght ability, make sure to do high volume with somewhat easy bends to get your hands used to the pressure and such, especially when switchin to new styles.

Speaking of such, anyone else have this problem? know what it is, and specific recomended treatments. I more want to know what it is. anyway... :)

Edited by Anuwbius
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I touched on this topic a few months back in an article I did for Iron Grip. I certainly dont think that injury should be an expected part of training. It is certainly very possible to develop world class strength withough destroying your hands in the process. I would say the key to this is to focus more on recovery, as it seems that few people do and also the development of opposing muscle groups. Bending is a high risk activity anyway so the potential for soft tissue damage is always prevalent

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since i started grip training a couple of months ago, my hands crack...alot.

I have stopped bending because i injured my wrist using old terminator style. Thats the best style for me, but way to hard on my wrist.

Also, i seemed to have pinched a nerve in my hand. I orginally thought it was the carpel tunnel, but i feel numbing whenver i bring my thumb into my hand (after about a minute).

For now, i'm just focusing on the grippers and will bend after i achieve my gripper goals.

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At St Louis at the Strongman Nats last Aug, was picking up the 3rd stone (330) & it started to slip so I did one of those "drop really fast & try to get my hands lower & catch it before it hits the floor" things. This works for me with stones under 300, not as I found woth stones over 300. The stone bounced a bit & caught it after it bounced (off the last joint of my middle finger) then popped it up. The last joint of my finger promptly turned black & purple swelled until it was hard as the stone that bounced off it. Made it a lot of fun on the truck wheelbarrow which was the last event.

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Doing thickbar clean and presses i rolled my wrists to far back when I caught the clean. My wrist was a little swollen and I coudlt do upper body work for over a month.

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-Smashed finger between 2 anvils

-smashed fingers between 2 weight plates

-smashed finger under hay elevator motor

-got left index finger caught in wood spliter-smashed tip.

-broke both wrists many times

-broke both thumbs many times

-dislocated right pinky at first knuckle-it was sticking straight up

-boxer fracture to right hand

-stuck left hand on electric range stove-top when I was 4-had a perfect 2nd degree ring burn on entire palm

-stuck other hand on Harley muffler when i was 4, it remained stuck on said muffler for 30 seconds or more. Severe burn to entire hand.

-fingers slammed in many car doors and my parent's heavy glass sliding door at home.

All I can think of :yikes

Rick Walker :rock

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-Minneapolis Phone Books and alcohol. :(

-Maxed out first time with a Rolling Thunder.

-Rocked boulder onto finger.

-"Train through the pain" with card tearing.

-Bending, cloth tore.

-Bending, catastrophic slip.

-Bending, had sore hands but friends wanted to see more.

-Bending, had sore hands and friends wanted to see me bend "the big bolt".

and finally...

-Bending, had sore hands but new group of people show up and friends say "Hey, check this guy out".

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-Broke 1st metacarpal playing cricket. This, as I only figured out recently, is the reason why I can't do heavy no-set gripper work.

-Broke left middle and right ring finger playing football.

-Pulled tendon off pinky finger and chipped mid phalynx goalkeeping in soccer, guy stepped on my hand then turned.

-Badly damaged both thumb capsules goalkeeping a few times. Every time I do this it takes 6-12 months to heal.

-Did something to left wrist training for TTWC at the Aus grip champs. Maybe damaged flexor carpi ulnaris or the ulnar collateral carpal/palmar ulnocarpal ligament. I think this may be an injury for life. 10 months down the track and some days I can't wrist curl 2.5kg without pain. Currently can't move my left hand without pain.

My advice, never, and I mean NEVER attempt heavy weights the first time you try an exercise. Never.


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rick how did you break your wrists so many times?

I jumped out of the barn and missed the wagon.

Gym class, grabbed my friend during football. When he went down, I went with him, and he rolled over my wrist, pushing my fingers to the top of my forearm.

Wrecked my dirtbike a couple times, landed hands down.

Tried to skateboard, landed on left hand.

Rick Walker :rock

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John (Wood), could you elaborate on recovery techniques a little. you seem to know a lot.

myself (only mentioning injuries hurting for more than 3-4 months):

bending a la Tom Black (still hurts thinking about it)

bending double overhand with bad technique: strained both index fingers...

wrist plate curls for reps: strained wrist.

pony clamp: somehow strained thumb first joint.

climbing: tore something in my hand while a sort of one finger one arm pull up move.

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-Did something to left wrist training for TTWC at the Aus grip champs. Maybe damaged flexor carpi ulnaris or the ulnar collateral carpal/palmar ulnocarpal ligament. I think this may be an injury for life. 10 months down the track and some days I can't wrist curl 2.5kg without pain. Currently can't move my left hand without pain.

Been there done that. I can wrist curl about the same weight as you (2.5k) with my left hand before the bones get out of allignment due to torn ligament from TTWC.

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ouch :blink

Jeff T: that is probably good advice you give, but one needs considerable discipline to follow it!!

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In wrestling practice a few years back I was taken down by a much heavier wrestler and landed left thumb first. Big stinging, swollen feeling, must have been a sprain. I'm lucky because my friend broke his thumb due to the exact same thing. Took over a year for that thing to feel 100%.

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Martial arts is a bad one, and football. Trying to catch myself when being pulled into the guard in BJJ, jammed pinky finger bad into mat. Broke finger in football, caught in guys facemask when running by. I don't know how my hand got up near his face when I was running by ;) Lifting, squatting power style made my wrists hurt. Also, bending 2 weeks ago on a G5 I got a neat lump on my palm between the thumb and the index finger, not wanting any kind of long-lasting deep tissue bruise I have been resting it since. Proper warmup and cool-down will prevent most major injuries, I think. Most people don't stretch or warmup before lifting nearly as well as they should.

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after doing some ring finger pull ups (two days in a row) one of my hands is really hurting. i have been icing, massaging, and rehabing it so hopefully it will only last a week. i wanna seem if i can sneak in some wrist work today tho :happy.

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wrist injury to right wrist, hurts when I wrist curl, bicep curl with a barbell, use wrist roller, use mouse on computer, do pushups with palms flat, hit a heavy bag, do an iron palm slap, do iron palm conditioning on a bag, twist a sledge (pronation mainly) or anything else that puts pressure on or bends my wrist. I got it close to 2 years ago, I think it's permanent. Maybe I should find a good doctor and have him take a look, I'd love to get it fixed.

The powerball seems to help, though.

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damn bending.....


Terminator style is where i'm strongest, but that's how i hurt myself.

Oh yeah, and racking a 300 pound clean on my wrists, not on my shoulders. I thought i broke my wrist when that happenned. I heard a small cracking/gross tearing sound, but i am pretty much healed, but it still bugs me. Thank you Jesus that it wasn't broken and that i learned a lesson. :bow

Too many gripper negatives inflamed my previous injuries, too. Negs on the WC. Smart, huh.


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