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Old Im Gripper Rules Back?


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Sorry if this has been mentioned already. I was looking at the new IronMind home site and the rules for closing the #3 and #4 make no mention of the credit card for measuring the handle gap.

It just refers to the last 1" being visible to the judge.?

Did I miss something here. I work away and it is rare when I can read the whole board, everyday.



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I think it is because they re-did their website and the person may have uploaded the old rules by mistake....


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I wonder if they maybe did revert to the old rules. I'd be all for that. Maybe would train for the #4 again.

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I know the credit card rule will probably set me back for getting certified, I'm certain I'll be closing it within 2 months but I need a good set to get the palm handlein the sweet spot. this means the credit card is about 1/8th to a 1/4 too wide I'm not sure how strict they are, can any new COC's answer this?

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Lyle, if you look at IMs list, it looks like few if any guys have certified since the rule took effect...

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I think IM has the right idea with the credit card,making sure there is a decent gap before crushing,But I think a credit card is a bit wide, 2"+

I think they should go back to the 1" rule with the same concept as the credit card.

Such as...Have a 1" wide piece of wood,plastic,etc... That is checked and measured by the witness in front of the camera and handed to the canditate who slides it inbetween the handles,Hence proving they are at least 1" apart, Then removed and handles are mashed.

As long as that is all done in full view of the camera,Their would be no argument as to it being a valid certification.

What do you guys think??

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I think it is because they re-did their website and the person may have uploaded the old rules by mistake....


I checked the Ironmind website and I am getting an error message.

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I think it's good that they are making people start with the grippers farther apart. I think too many people are closing the gripper almost all the way with both hands then finishing it off with one. Yes that is still hard but it just doesn't seem right.

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I think IM has the right idea with the credit card,making sure there is a decent gap before crushing,But I think a credit card is a bit wide, 2"+

I think they should go back to the 1" rule with the same concept as the credit card.

Such as...Have a 1" wide piece of wood,plastic,etc... That is checked and measured by the witness in front of the camera and handed to the canditate who slides it inbetween the handles,Hence proving they are at least 1" apart, Then removed and handles are mashed.

As long as that is all done in full view of the camera,Their would be no argument as to it being a valid certification.

What do you guys think??

Yes! I wholeheartedly agree.

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I completely agree with a rule about spacing and I think 1" or even 1 1/2" I just find the credit card a too wide for a comfortable start.

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Thanks guys, I'm trying to contact IM to tell them my suggestion but the website doesnt seem to be working :(

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I just got through and emailed the good Doctor, I'll let you know what he says. :D

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Strossen and I talked about this very subject at the AOBS.

He said he should of done something about it two years ago. No, the new rule is still in effect as far as I know.

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the new rule descriminates against short fat fingered guys. seems like almost a no-set close now. i wouldnt trust anyone who wants to see my atm card anyway.

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I do agree there should be some sort of consistent, reliable way to set a gripper, such as the above mentioned pre-cut and measured piece of plastic/wodd, etc.

The eyeball way of telling the distance is too inconsistent.

As such, I agree w/ Deadlift above, since some of the videos of IM #3 closes in the Video Gallery here looked like 2 hand closes with one hand finishing off, or maintaining, the gripper lockout/close for a few seconds. Nonetheless, that's definately better than I could do.


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Does anybody know what the heaviest gripper Strossen can close is?

He's working his way from the trainer to the #1 I believe. :)


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Does anybody know what the heaviest gripper Strossen can close is?

He's working his way from the trainer to the #1 I believe. :)


And based on that, HE is making the rules.

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This months MILO has an article about this subject in the Iron Filings section where he basically thanks people that are supporting the new rule ... doesn't sound like there is any plan to change the rule based on the article.

The site has definitely had an overhaul and I think that's what happened (old information got posted). I hate the fact that the new rule is in effect, but I'm going to close the thing one day regardless. The inconvenience for me is not so much the credit card rule, but trying to train within those guidelines. How can I set the gripper at all with one hand holding the gripper and one hand holding a credit card up to measure my set? There's got to be a better way. If they insist on this rule for certification, perhaps they should create a depth guide that somehow fits on one of the gripper handles so you would know if you were setting too far. This could be included with all #3 and #4 grippers that are sold. My other point of contention is how many people got the certification because of the old rule? So, basically they've (Ironmind) kind of screwed themselves by letting some certify this way and shutting everyone else down for it.

As of now, I haven't modified my set depth for training, but I guess it would be valueable to know if I was within the guidelines or not. I personally wish the rule had been in effect the entire time. How often does changing the rules of a contest once it has already started work effectively?

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The inconvenience for me is not so much the credit card rule, but trying to train within those guidelines. How can I set the gripper at all with one hand holding the gripper and one hand holding a credit card up to measure my set? There's got to be a better way.

When wanting to test "the credit card way", I use a piece of wood with the same width as a credit card, but longer. I put the "wooden card simulator" next to me, pick up the gripper an set it as usual (assisting with my other hand), then let the handles out while picking up the "wooden card simulator" with my other hand and place it between the handles. When the handles are apart enough, I remove the piece of wood and start the crush.

That is at least one way to train "the credit card way".


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