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The Aobs Dinner


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Great time at the dinner - Pavel and I put on some KB demos before the reception and I had the chance to do a little bending, tearing and talking with a great number of people.

Clay, Heath, Pat, Steve - and many others sybersnot included, Mike P and well - you get the idea.

Then to Pat and Steve perform - :bow:rock

REDS (cut BTW) grippers, rocks, farmers walks - simply an awesome display of strength and power.

Also meeting and seeing legends of the iron game - Steve Jeck, JBrookfield, Joe Orlina (sp?) and others - anyone with a knowledge of the history of the world of strength would have a blast.


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Great to meet everyone Brett mentioned. Pexter, Mike Byers, gdh56, Mazza, John and Kim Wood, Roger LaPointe, Jan Dellinger, Richard and Bert Sorin, Chuckie B and Dan. It was great meeting everyone. Mr. Sorin, Chuckie B and myself goofed around with the blob, 6 10-'s, and the RB dyno when we first got there. Then Clay broke out his monster grip and pulled like 90+kgs on the dyno. Lots of impressive things were seen and done. Pat and Steve's show was just awesome. No other words to describe it. The funniest thing I think I saw was pexter pick up a 292lb smooth round Atomic ball aboudt 8" set it down and say, "man, that thing is slick." Then he picked it up so hard and fast he almost threw it over his shoulder! :bow Later on I watched Clay put a very good roll in a Red, this was about 11:30-12:00 at night. he had done quite a bit of work before hand, it won't be long now.

Steve Weiner officially bent a Red infront of Randy. This one only took around 20 secs, so it should count this time.... :inno

All in all a great time was had by a lot of very strong people!

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So many cool things to go to and all of them so far away!!!

Where is the jealous smiley when you need it :angry:

Glad you guys had fun

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I had a great time. What an amazing weekend. It was worth the price of admission alone to stand there with Kim Woods, Dennis Rogers, and Slim Farman and listen to them trade stories. Slim is truly from another time. So many fantastic feats of strength performed, so many people with high integrity, and everybody was really friendly.

When I checked in at 12:15a.m., there was John Wood, Kim Wood, Roger LaPointe, Jan Pantoli (sp?), and several other iron game notables sitting in teh lobby. I put my bag upstairs and came down to talk with them. When I got seated and started talking with them, John Wood says "Hey there goes John Brookfield" and sure enough I turn to see him walking down the hall. It was very surreal. When I met Kim Wood's , the first thing he said is "Man, how much do you weigh?" "350" I replied. "Pounds?" :D

I watched Richard Sorin break 6-10's off the ground about a foot. It was the first time he tried it, and I'm sure he'll get it to full DL soon. Bert did 5-10's with ease. ChuckieB did 5-10's in each hand so easily I thought he might fall asleep. I heard Heath gave 6-10's a ride too. Heath is a better wide pincher than people may think! I couldn't get my index finger on the 6th plate, so I had to use my middle, ring, and pinky to break 6-10's from the ground. Tore up my thumb pretty good, but it was worth it even though I didn't get more than a few inches on it. Also did 5-10's with my ring and pinky finger.

After the plate pinching and several tries at the #4 (nothing notable to report there) Richard Sorin breaks out the dyno and you know how I love dynos. The new Baraban dyno is sweet! I like it a lot.

Pat and Steve's performance was awesome! Pat demolished a new #4 horseshoe faster than most people wipe their noses, and Steve's FW with the extra weight hanging off his head was awesome.

Got some good pics that I'll get off my camera too.

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Clay did what I was told exceeds the highest mark in the world on the Baraban hand dynometer. In front of a group of witnesses with pictures an effort of 94 kilo where the old record has been 87. Heath did 86 on the nose several times and I managed 85. It seemed most "captains" that tried it ranged in the 60 to 75 range. Lots of fun with some great gripsters! PS an unknown black gentleman tried it in front of me and registered 89 left and 90 right handed( weighed about 310 or so). RS

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Heath - your memory for names exceeds mine - especially before my pot of coffee in the morning -

For those of you that haven't met Heath -he is a great guy.

The Sorins were great to meet- Kim Woods was entertaining as always and John Wood and I had a good talk.

To tell the truth I am still processing everything that happened at the dinner.

Dennis Rogers did a bit of card tearing late Saturday night - tearing decks into 1/8th and behind the back and other bizarre ways.


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