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What Happened At The 2004 Aobs


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I just got back from the AOBS and I haffta tell ya - this one was probably the best one I've attended! So much was going on, and Steve and Pat put on one hellva show!! I got the chance to sit next to Clay Edgin, and Clay really impressed everyone there with his super-freaky grip strength! Richard Sorin had one of the RB dynos there and we all took a shot at it. He thinks that Clay may have set a WR on it with a squeeze of 95 kgs.!! :ohmy Wow, simply amazing! I handed Clay one of the grippers I brought to the event, my silver-spring Elite. He came to within a hairs-width of closing that puppy!! :ohmy:bow In addition to meeting Clay, I also met and shook hands with John Brookfield - finally got to meet him!! Super nice guy and what a performer. But the highlight of the event HAD to be the strength performance that Pat and Steve put on for the crowd. It was awesome! Pat was bending all kinds of stuff, Steve was lifting (doing a FW with a headstrap full of weights!). Other performers were John Brookfield, Steve Jeck and some guy whos name escapes me doing some sort of muscle-control act/dance. :blink

Anyhow, it was one super event and I'm glad I had the chance to see it all!! :D

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and some guy whos name escapes me doing some sort of muscle-control act/dance

It wasn't Flat Top, was it.

Excellent work, Pat and Steve. Way to step up there and show them what strength is all about. Wish I coulda been there. Maybe next year!


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Great report! I hope some members got lots of pics :rock

Most of the pics I took were the handshake shot variety. :tongue

One scary moment: I'm sitting there trying to down my chicken marsala, when out of the blue some guy comes between our tables, spots me and yells out my name! I look up and, lo and behold, who is it??.... Randall Strossen.

So we get into a long conversation talking about all kinds of stuff. It was like we were long-time friends :blink we talked about the change regarding the cert rule on the #3, and I called him the "eye of the hurricane" because if it weren't for him... a lot of us wouldn't be there. I told him that he and his company were responsible for getting a lot of guys interested in grip strength/training.

Later on, I bring down some books for him to autograph for me. So, we get into another long conversation... this time about the mental aspect of strength and weight training. The one thing that I haffta say about Strossen is that he's sharp as a tack and he knows what he's talking about.

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Exactly Joe. Exactly.  Oh my.

I know what you're thinking: it's kinda like Luke Skywalker talking to Darth Vader, and after talking to him, Luke realizes he's not such a bad guy after all!! :laugh

Edited by Sybersnott
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No, John, you have no idea what I am thinking.

I second what Joe said. :mellow

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Jess and I arrived Friday evening, we unloaded our stuff and ran into Roger LaPoint in the lobby... we found a nice all-u-can-eat rib joint and threw down. Good start so far!

Back at the hotel, we're greeted in the lobby by John & Kim Wood, Jan Delinger, Mike DeAngelo(?), Health and Pat. We hang out with them for a bit and retire to our room around 11:00.

First thing the next morning I run into Roger again accompained with big Clay Edgin. We help unload some equipment and set up shop at the Atomic Athletic table. By now other collectors and vendors are arriving including 'the Hammer' Slim Farman. 70 some years old and just his presence is impressive.

Fast forward to about 5:30, the reception, the hallway is filled with people from all walks of the physical culture. Pavel and the dragondoor crew are demonstrating kettlebells, John Mannino is setting records with the York 'Crusher', Sorin and family are doing grip feats and old people are scattered throughout watching and encouraging all the cool things that are happening.

There I'm introduced to Ron Mazza, Mike Breyers, Mike Greenstein (Mighty Atom's son), and probably others whom I can't remember at the moment (sorry). The dinner starts, and boy does it start slow. I know this is the history of the Iron Game, but I never was much on history. Conversation with Kim and many beers keep me enthusiastic until Jess comes back from the bathroom and tells me "Your friends are in the hallway lifting stuff."

"See ya, bye!"

I have a go at Pat's 292 smooth stone that I had been eyeing up earlier and after an initial 'feel attempt' I hoisted it to chest level seemingly easy (with a tie on :tongue ), putting it down wasn't as graceful though. Then Mannino comes over, comments on how its like glass, and shoulders the damn thing in one quick movement. I didn't feel so bad about putting it down since John seemed to forget his previous comment about it being like glass and practically dropped it from knee height. :ohmy Artie comes out to yell at us for lifting during the speeches, but Dennis Rogers smoothed it over telling him the guys are just warming up for the demonstration. He apologies and goes back inside.

After another half hour or so of talking and the demonstrations are ready to take place. A group of us help bring the equipment out and Pat and Steve are up first. I'm not going to go into detail about all the things that happened because pictures are worth a thousand words... and I got a bunch of them! We had the best seats in the house, [because we moved there not because that's where we were sat] and seeing the performances of Brookfield, Jeck, the Max kettlebell club, in addition to Pat and Steve, was truely amazing! I'll post some pictures later tonight.

Afterwards a bunch of us hung out in the hallway talking training and doing feats. I saw Dennis Roger rip a half a deck of cards, behind his back, with three of his fingers taped down. :blink There I met Mike Potts, where him and Clay bent steel until about 1am. Slim hung out talking with us late into the night as well.

All in all it was a great weekend. I got to meet a lot of people [some of which I'm sure I left out] and got to see some serious demonstrations of raw strength.

Definitely a weekend to remember. :mosher

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How come I can't edit my post?

***but I can edit this one?

Edited by Dan Cenidoza
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I have a go at Pat's 292 smooth stone that I had been eyeing up earlier and after an initial 'feel attempt' I hoisted it to chest level seemingly easy (with a tie on  ), putting it down wasn't as graceful though.

Just out of curiosity, and maybe Pat hiimself can answer this, but what is the diameter of that 292 granite ball?

I have a 300+ pounder here that has a 18.5" diameter (50 pound steel core) and I find it is much easier to lift then my 20" diameter ball from the Slater Stone mold.

I am thinking it would be a much better idea for strongman promotors to keep us short armed fellows in mind and start using smaller diameter balls with heavy lead or steel cores. :happy

Sounds like a great night. Real sad that I could not attend. However, I had one hell of a stone lifting session Saturday morning so I at least had you fellas in mind. ;)

Rick Walker :rock

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I asked the same thing and he was unsure at the dinner. It appeared to be about 20" but it is very difficult to judge these things. I should have lifted it but Artie came up complaining about the noise so I missed my shot. Afterwards I was too busy trying to get autographs. By then Pat had put it up. I felt it though and it was as slick a polish as a shiny tombstone. Like glass.

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According to the atomic athletic website, the 320 granite ball has an 18.5 diameter. So, I am assuming Pat's was close to that.

That is a fairly big ball, but the 20" + is a freaking monster size.

I prefer a smaller diameter, havier ball to a huge diameter one.

320 ball

Rick Walker :rock

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Man, what a great time. Pops and I just walked in the door and we are still worn out by by the awesome weekend. We are both ready for a nap. If you missed out, you really missed something special. I will post some more of what happened later tonight or tomorrow. I have over 300 pictures which I'll get up soon.

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Sounds awesome. Angela and I had a moment of silence Saturday night in mourning for our inability to attend,

Lookin forward to pics...

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I just have to echo everything that has already been said. Sat next to Clay at the dinner, with Snott right next to him, also at the table were Pexter(John), Mike P. ,and Chuckie B. I learned a lot, and had a great time, also. Clay has just awesome hand strength. We were waiting for dinner, and he got bored, so he decided to rip a deck of cards - LIKE HE WAS RIPPING A NAPKIN!!!!

The displays of strength, and meeting all the guys made for a fantastic night, I just wish I had gotten a room :angry: . I took some pics, and will post them soon, but I klnow I'll need Bill's help!!!!

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I really need to go next year. It looks and sounds like a lot of fun from what Ive seen and heard, but I'd probably be the youngest one there by far which is pretty strange.

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Oh man, what a night, It was great meeting everyone again. Some guys from previously , some I had never met before. Richard Sorin was looking as huge as ever and his son Bert was in tow. I didn't catch much of the pre-dinner action but Ricrard was there witha Blob and you know what that means...lots of air time. Charles Biron aka Chucky B was there. Chucky has his sights set on the Inch Dumbbell and we had a good talk about that. Big Clay made the trip and did nothing but "pick up heavy things" the whole time. John DiStano was salivating overt the huge shot loaded kettlebells that Roger brought. He has one on the way so its just a matter of time.

I had a good talk with "The Evil Russian" Pavel Tsatsouline and also Brett Jones was there bending steel and lifting kettlebells like a maniac. Mike Beyers was there and it was good to finally put a face with the name. I saw Sybersnott briefly.

John "Pexter" Mannino did one of the most amazing feats of strength that I have ever seen. Good thing I've got some pics. Ron Mazza was there, lifting heavy things in sandals as ususal.

Heath , Pat and Steve all performed unbelievable things. Heath did all his lifting though before the show as it was up to him to load and unload most of the equipment.

Pat and Steve did some things that I wouldnt have believed if I hadnt seen them.

Dan C should probably think about performing next year too.

John Brookfield had some great bending feats but the ceilings were only around 12 feet so we couldnt see how high he could throw a kettlebell.

It was great to see Dennis Rogers again and Slim is always a living legend. The Max Kettlebll guys did dome great things too, Dave Bellomo cleaned and push pressed a 145 lb kettlebell. Tommy Kono, Marvin Eder, Mike Greenstein, the Might Atom's Son, The great Joe Rollino, Bill March, too many Iron Game greats to name.

All in all, a great time. Don't miss next year!

If you havent seen it yet, check out this article on the AOBS that I wrote. There will be several more as well as a ton of pics:


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John Brookfield had some great bending feats but the ceilings were only around 12 feet so we couldnt see how high he could throw a kettlebell.


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