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Better Results With A Training Buddy.....


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Dear All,

I have been noticing a strange phenomenon whenever I am doing grip with a training buddy.

I have a friend who is pretty naturally good at gripping, he can match me on most things apart from grippers. He only comes up to London once a month or so. But when he does I seem to manage personal bests like my Anvil for time....CoC 2 grinding...pinch bodyweight etc....

The trouble is once he's gone I can't manage the same even-though physically OK??!!

Does having a training partner or some girls to show off to :tongue really dig out that extra bit of power?

Your thoughts...


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definately man, I think you feel the need to succeed when you have someone there, it's the alpha male I'm better and I'll show you thing, and it's good to have, but you can use the same motivation to train alone.

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It's definitely a factor. I always do well when someone else is there expecting me to do well. I find I can usually replicate it when training alone by thinking "Ok, if I can do this now, next time I'm in front of someone, I can do it even better". I think it helps keep motivation fresh if you train like you're preparing for a contest or demonstration, even if there isn't one in the immediate future.

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Yep. So many times I have been tired but when showing off the grippers, no probs, bars - same. An even better way is via competions.

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It's so much easier to get focused and develop that do-or-die attitude with an audience.

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I have trained alone for 7 years now.

I have not noticed a bit of difference in my workouts. I can get just as motivated with Hatebreed in my stereo as I can with a training partner hollering at me.

Rick Walker :rock

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Not so much the day-to-day workouts but I have read some awesome posts of your when the guys have been over (video clips as well) and also when you've been competing.

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I think it depends on the person. I have found that training alone is best for me. I can train at whatever pace I need to and at whatever time suits my schedual. And the workout I do can be taylored exactly to my needs.

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I had never been able to tear a deck a cards in under 5 minutes untill Everyone at my church wanted me to give it a shot. I tore it in about 10-15 seconds.

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Rick, I agree with you, 90% of my workouts are alone and the right music definately is key as with mental prep, but I still get a charge from having to back up my claims when someone new comes to workout.

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I hate training with a partner! :angry: Too much down time inbetween sets waiting on them, I have yet to workout with a partner even close to my strength (changing weight plates builds up even more down time between sets), and I've yet to be satisfied with with the way I have been spotted, it's always too close, helping too much, holding me back, telling me to do the impossible, talking in general and plus they make me talk too much. All you people who like working out with a partner are lucky to find someone you can get along with in the gym and has similiar training goals. The encouragement from a partner is great, but they interupt my mental preparation.

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I can do good on both. I don't know many people around me that train like I do, so I prefer to workout myself. Either way it does not matter much.


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I had never been able to tear a deck a cards in under 5 minutes untill Everyone at my church wanted me to give it a shot. I tore it in about 10-15 seconds.

Same thing happened to me when I went to cert on the #3.

I manhandled the gripper in front of a bunch of people at the gym. This even surprised me! :)

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It seems like each to their own, I think that music is an interesting training partner. It would have to be music to make the mind go raaah!

Rick, I see from some of your vids that you wear headphones on some of your feats, does this form of 'sensory deprevation' take things one stage on when it comes to focus?

I think I got some kick ass punk at home that I will have a go with!


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Not so much the day-to-day workouts but I have read some awesome posts of your when the guys have been over (video clips as well) and also when you've been competing.

The more I think about it, I would have to disagree with this mob. Every feat I have done grip wise has been done first and foremost alone, with no one around except maybe my wife with the video camera.

Case in point:

The #3. First time I closed it shut I was alone on my back porch with "Frayed Ends of Sanity" in my head phones.

The Blob. I was training alone in my gym, working on some snatches, when I walked over, grabbed it, and hoisted it to lockout. I then went and got my wife to photograph it as I did it a few more times. Since that time, I have done it numerous times on video and still photo, but only ONCE have I done it in front of "the guys". It has always been alone with my music and my terms.

5-10s. Alone, with my camera on a timer.

Grade 5 bolt. Alone on my back porch, Disturbed in the phones.

3-25s. Alone, during a squat workout. Just me and the video camera. When I shot the 5-10s, 3-25s farmers walk shown on www.dieselcrew.com, it was just me and my wife.

160 pounds on my Teds Shed 2.5 diameter bar. Alone.

Best deadlift, squat, OH press, etc. etc. have all been either alone or with my wife video taping.

So I would have to say, again, that I am better alone. I dont like to talk, and when in a crowd it gets hard to focus. Dont get me wrong, I love training with my pals, but I dig the mental aspect of being alone with the weights.

Henery Rollins said it best: "I prefer to work out alone. It enables me to concentrate on the lessons that the Iron has for me. Learning about what you're made of is always time well spent, and I have found no better teacher. The Iron had taught me how to live. Life is capable of driving you out of your mind. The way it all comes down these days, it's some kind of miracle if you're not insane. People have become separated from their bodies. They are no longer whole."

Rick Walker :rock

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Here's the thing I am the same with the CoC 3, same with the MDB and Inch training and I have read the Henry Rollins thing before as well. But from the initial posts I'd agree that I can be tired and not quite up to doing it and put me in front of a crowd and POW no probs. I got the impression you'd had some real monster sessions with yer buds.

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I'm like Mobster. When it's contest time and in front of a crowd I almost always hit PR's. I love the pressure.

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You might like Richard Cheese. A similar artist to Welk, but he has covered some of the songs Rick mentioned. :D

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You know what they say...

If its too loud, you're too damn old!


My music would make your ears bleed. :mosher

Rick Walker :rock

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Music does pump me up. The most I felt pumped was when I listend to an awesome Song. But for some reaosn when i'm infront of people and they expect me to do something. I feel 3 times stronger rather than just a little bit stronger from music.

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I personally find a training partner very motivating,BUT only if they are fairly equal to me in strength or speed, which helps push me to keep up or ahead of them.

My coach understands the idea of us pushing each other, when we do testing every 2 months he matches us up with the person closest to our strength and speed.

I mean who would keep training with someone who benches 100kg more than you? your more likely to be pumped to beat them if you only have to lift an extra 5 or 10kg or sprint 0.5sec quicker.

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