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Who Can Pick Up The Blob But Can't Close The #3?


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Just wondering b/c to me it seems like the ppl who can pick up the blob also can close the #3. I know they are not really related being one is pinch and the other is crush strength. This is just a question that I have been wondering about

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Matt, I was wondering the same thing myself. I believe Sean Dockery is one who can fully DL the blob, but hasn't closed the #3 (yet).

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Ostlund. I guess Ahola did the blob but failed with the #3 when he tried it. I wouldn't doubt it if he could close a #3 if he has had one and has been working with it. I think Odd Haugen can lift a blob too but can't close a #3.

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I actually asked Sean this and he said he could close a 3. I think if someone cannot close a 3, but do the blob, the hand size would be the next thing to check. In other words, is their hand over 8in which might explain it.

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My #3 close is done parallel set, and with a "average" #3, and is an inconsistent thing (so I don't really count it).

I've never been able to stay real motivated on the grippers. So, I've been pleasantly surprised as my gripper ability has taken off since I've gotten hooked on blockweights.

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When I met Odd in March, he tried the blobs and had trouble with the 40lb blob. He admitted to not having a very strong pinch. I don't know if he can close a 3 or not. His hands are large and thick too!

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Yeah, but I saw Odd pick up the INCH with NO tilt like it was nothing at Iron Grip. He ain't weak. I also saw him competing on WSM recently! Poor guy hurt his calf and had to quit! :ohmy


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I think he's on the forum list of Blob lifters.

was 19 when he lifted the blob?

Rob ????.......he's from Iowa also.Forgot his last name...is a heck of a strongman too.Heaved/loaded a big 385# stone,at the age of 19 at the snowman awhile back.

Can't remember his last name :blush but he can definitely lift the blob....but i don't think he can close a #3?

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David Ostlund has also lifted the blob and I don't think he can close the #3.

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David Ostlund has also lifted the blob and I don't think he can close the #3.

Hand size must come into play here then.

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This is a revelation! Does not apply to me though as I have closed a #3 but have not picked up a 50lb blob inspite of big hands. :tongue

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Hand size must come into play here then.

Your kidding right?

No, because I am starting to believe anyone who can close a #3 should be able to do a 50lber. And vice versa. I think there is correlation. It could be he's just not focused much on grippers.

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David Ostlund has also lifted the blob and I don't think he can close the #3.

Hand size must come into play here then.

Careful you'll start the handsize holy war again :D

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Hand size must come into play here then.

Your kidding right?

No, because I am starting to believe anyone who can close a #3 should be able to do a 50lber. And vice versa. I think there is correlation. It could be he's just not focused much on grippers.

There is no correlation. They are two totally different strengths.

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No, because I am starting to believe anyone who can close a #3 should be able to do a 50lber. And vice versa. I think there is correlation. It could be he's just not focused much on grippers.

Both my dad and I have closed the #3 and neither one of us can lift the 50lb blob. I am hoping that I can lift it this weekend for the first time. Heck, I'd like to do the Inch, blob, #4, and red nail this weekend but that probably won't happen. I'm close though.

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Hand size must come into play here then.

Your kidding right?

No, because I am starting to believe anyone who can close a #3 should be able to do a 50lber. And vice versa. I think there is correlation. It could be he's just not focused much on grippers.

There is no correlation. They are two totally different strengths.

Two different strengths? Describe physiologically why they are different?

I remember the time on this board when I first starting talking about extreme frequency/high volume grip work. ;)

I also believe those that can't (excluding those with small hands) do the 50# blob but can crush a #3 easily or higher have more crush potential even for an advanced trainee that is untapped.

I'm aiming to prove this theory using myself as a guinea pig.

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Check out Eric Godfrey's website. Training with blobs gave him the strength to close the #3. Wide pinch carries over to crushing strength. I'm more consistent with my #2 and closer to my #3 than I've ever been and I haven't trained with grippers in months. All I've been training is wide pinch. I don't personally know if crushing strength carries over to wide pinch, but I know the reverse is true.

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Hand size must come into play here then.

Your kidding right?

No, because I am starting to believe anyone who can close a #3 should be able to do a 50lber. And vice versa. I think there is correlation. It could be he's just not focused much on grippers.

There is no correlation. They are two totally different strengths.

Two different strengths? Describe physiologically why they are different?

I remember the time on this board when I first starting talking about extreme frequency/high volume grip work. ;)

I also believe those that can't (excluding those with small hands) do the 50# blob but can crush a #3 easily or higher have more crush potential even for an advanced trainee that is untapped.

I'm aiming to prove this theory using myself as a guinea pig.

If your talking no set close of a #3 then i would agree with you a little but, just a #3 close no. I had a kid come over my house a couple weeks ago and pick up the 50lber (blob) first time trying and NEVER training ANYTHING. He's in a wheelchair from an accident last year so its not from hand strength from being in a wheel chair

his whole life. He did close my #2 with no set so he is strong (good genetics)but, hand size aside I don't think it has much to do with the crush. Dave Morton I believe when he was close to the #4 he couldn't pick up the blob and he has big hands. It has more to do with a good wide pinch and hand size than crushing strength also a good narrow pinch doesn't mean you can lift the blob. My cousin can pinch a 94lb elevator plate that is 1 1/4'' wide but he can't lift my 35lb blob He has 7 3/4'' hands. I can go on and on with alot of different examples.

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My theory is this "weakness" is untapped grip strength with potential carry over to the crush at a later point (for those that are weak in the wide blob type pinch). Dave is actually an example as you pointed out. I believe if he brings up his blobs with some specialization and then goes back to a cycle of grippers he'll exceed what he's done previously. As a said, just a theory. :D

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My theory is this "weakness" is untapped grip strength with potential carry over to the crush at a later point (for those that are weak in the wide blob type pinch). Dave is actually an example as you pointed out. I believe if he brings up his blobs with some specialization and then goes back to a cycle of grippers he'll exceed what he's done previously. As a said, just a theory. :D

OK I agree with you on this. I think block weights will help your crush and crush will help your pinch but to say all #3 closers should be able to pick up the blob I say NO. I mean you are working your hand so it would help but if you want to lift the blob train WIDE pinch and if your hands are small train ALOT and vice-versa for crush. I think a guy with no thumb could train to close a #3 but i KNOW he won't pick up a blob :tongue

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My theory is they have the "potential" to lift the blob. Not that they can do it right now even if they can close a #3. With some specialized work of course...

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I would not consider myself someone who can lift a blob with any consistency. The only time I've ever done a full lockout and held it for a couple seconds was about 14 or 15 months ago. I've done half deadlifts and broken it from the ground a lot since then, but never to lockout. I have also been able to sporadically close Jeff Petersons "easy" 3 for about a year now. I have not mastered it enough to close it every time and and cannot get a 3 of normal difficulty.

I think that Bill's theory of regarding the gripper/blob correlation is accurate. I feel as though I have trained both about equally over the last two years.

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