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Blue Nail Dies!


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Today I got a package of bending bits from Dave Spencer (dispencer) which included some 1/4" CRS and some IM blues and reds. (Thanks Dave)

After warming up with some soft 7 x 1/4" and a 7 x 1/4" CRS I decided to bend a blue. This is the first time i've ever tried an IM nail so I wasn't sure how I was going to go but anyway....

Wrapped and kinked it ok but not quite enough to crush it, deciding failure was not an option I rested for a couple of minutes and attacked it again. Still no progress but I wasn't going to leave that little sucker kinked so I wrapped it a third time and finished it off!

Very happy and also happy that my hands didn't tear up like my last few max bends.

Now onto the grade 5 :(

Edited by Octogen
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Don, congratulations!

Way to stick with it to the end!

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Great job on crushing the blue!! :rock

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Nice work. :rock The Blue is a big hurdle, and it's yours now. Every goal feels asome to accomplish, and the Blue is no joke. Awsome job.

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Thanks guys. After seeing the red nail and trying a grade 5 i'm still in awe of the guys who can bend them :bow

Now i'm just going to have to do some work on the rest of my grip since my pinch and crush are still pretty weak!

If anyone else is at the blue nail level shooting for the G5 i'd love to have a little motivational race!

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I bent the blue nail fairly recently too. The grade 5 was way harder though and I had an easy one. It seems the crushing part of the grade 5 was the challenging part for me. I would reccomend getting some 60d nails to wrok up to the grade 5 at least that is what I'm doing

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The only problem with 60Ds is finding them out here in Australia. The largest nails I can find are 150mm x 5.6 and they are significantly easier than a blue. One of the reasons I was happy to get a hold of the blue nail was because its the first thing i've had to bend which is the same here as it is in the US or UK so I know know where i'm at in relation to the G5 and higher.

I was going to work down to 5" x 1/4 CRS and also some square stock before I hit the grade 5s. Might see about some brass and aluminium too.

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Well done! Hope to see you perhaps next year at the Australian Grip Championship.

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