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Bearcat 74

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Bill, Snott is supposed to cert soon I think. He is coming to the AOBS and I know Pat and maybe even a few more would like to attempt it at AOBS. Would it be possible to send the MM1 up and let the few go for cert?

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Thats would be cool. Snott, Pat, Steve, Richard and Bert Sorin, Brooks, Wood and maybe more.

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And there certainly wouldn't be any lack of witnesses around.

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That's fine. However, whoever intends to cert needs to state their intention here and now and follow the rules for mult. certs. No offical committment prior to AOBS, no cert. It won't matter if they close it or not without this committment to certify prior...it will not be official without it.

When is AOBS exactly?

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So, is anyone coming forward on this to commit at the AOBS?

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Also, this gripper is not a "pass around gripper". ONLY guys who are to cert and state so in this forum before the AOBS get to get a go at it and per the rules of 3 attempts.

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I'll give it a try guys!!! OK :happy

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I'll give it a try guys!!! OK :happy

This is not "something to give a try". Read the rules. You better be able to dominate it such that a CLEAR still picture can be taken from the video showing the handles together.

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I'll give it a try guys!!! OK :happy

The only person to show interest is someone who I don't think is even qualified to try (not an MMG or COC).

After some thought, and due to lack of responses for people to officially put it on the line, I don't think I will put the witness (Heath) in the situation of having the joint at the beer party. ;)

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Hey, what about the MM3? Heath, Rob and I should all be there and can get it done at the same time. What do you think?

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Hey, what about the MM3? Heath, Rob and I should all be there and can get it done at the same time. What do you think?

We are not going to make it :cry

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Rob W is doing it first offically and Rob V. has the MMG3 right now.

There won't be any MM certs at the AOBS. Too much confusion, and not enough focus on the MMG cert process.

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There won't be any MM certs at the AOBS. Too much confusion, and not enough focus on the MMG cert process.


There is NO ONE in my area to cert me and I have even attempted to drive several hours to where Heath is and have him cert me in Tennessee.

Cut me a break and please let me try it at the AOBS June 12th. If I'd known about this thread sooner I would of said something sooner!! :angry:

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Cry me a damn river. Unfair? What are you, 10? :rolleyes

Bill's game, Bill's rules. I agree with not having it at AOBS...too much going on.

If you want to do it, sign up next round. If not, shut up and quit whining.

Rick Walker :rock

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As I said in the PM, what's your problem Snott?

You are UP next after the MN boys.

There IS too much going on at the AOBS.

Talk to Heath and get it scheduled for after the MN boys. Keep in mind there will be a quiet period in June for the MMG certs due to me traveling most of June.

By the way, you can only schedule it ONCE you are up. Not before! Sheesh. So, why would you try and schedule it before you even knew when the gripper would be available next? :blink

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There IS too much going on at the AOBS.

When you make this statement, it's like this thing is some sort of a beer-filled keg party. It isn't. We (Heath and I) could have moved off to a place like a private hotel room and we could have done it there. Completely on the level and totally legit.

BTW, I'm sorry that I snapped like that. When I read the comment that there will be no certs at the AOBS... I freaked and that was wrong. Ah well, live and learn! :)

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As Heath's friend, I would advise him against entering a private hotel room with Sybersnott....advice I don't think he requires.

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As Heath's friend, I would advise him against entering a private hotel room with Sybersnott....advice I don't think he requires.

Funniest post ever at the Gripboard!

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As Heath's friend, I would advise him against entering a private hotel room with Sybersnott....advice I don't think he requires.

Alright Mr. Dirty Mind... you know what I damn well mean! :angry: We would NOT be there by ourselves, but with a group of people.

Besides Wanna pulled the plug on the whole thing. So it ain't happening!! :(

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