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Kta Thumb Training


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hey just wanted to ask.....i just finished my first day of KTA....ah the pain. i was wondering...what is the TTk mentioned in KTA? i have a few of those clamps, but i really don't like them. also, if the TTK is out of my price range, which im sure it will be at this time :blush , can i just plate pinch? or does this involve too much of the hand, risking injury? thanks a bunch guys! got to love this board....... :cool

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TTK is Titans telegraph key, you could buy one at Ironmind or at Weight lifters ware house (Squeezer). I woudn't recommend plate pinching while doing KTA.

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It's specific. Don't substitute. No plate pinching.

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I agree man. I'm in my 8th week of KTA "first timer". I use both the clamps and the TTK "I made mine for $15. but the Pinching will be too much, as you're becoming aware it can get quite painful, soon to come are callouses in the palms of your hand, keep them sanded down or it's a lot more pain.

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I made my own TTK also, it cost me about $15 and it is made from 1" tube steel, and 1" angle iron. You just look at the TTK picture and weld it together. I think it looks a little Mad Max but it works, I am cheap, and if I had the funds I would recommend buying a TTK to support the Iron Mind engine. I will upload a few picture of mine soon so you can see it, but really it looks like the IM TTK anyway so just model it after the original. You know what they say about making a copy of a copy.


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ok i get the point...no plate pinches.....i still dont have the cash for a TTK......Lyle, how did you make yours?

Use the thumb clamps. A clamp is like 2 bucks or less.

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Is the main reason for avoiding plate pinches the excess finger joint strain? Maybe I need to get back to the pony clamps while I'm focusing on grippers again???

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I made my TTK by staring at the pictures of it, then I went to the steel shop bought the required steel, went home and welded it together "turned out perfect"

but not everyone welds, John BrookField mentioned in one article of using 2X4's

take a 6" piece and a 2' piece, put a nail in one end of the 2' piece. next lay the 2' piece across the 6" piece like a teetter tooter, out weight on the nail end and do your thumb presses

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If you don't like the clamp you've got go back to the store and mess around with other strengths and sizes. You'll find something that fits and feels good. If the one that feels good for size is too weak just wrap rubber bands around the end. That'll toughen it up.

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I was using The TTK initally then switched to the clamps "easier to take to work, since that's where I do 50% of my grip training" been on the clamps for 2 weeks

and last night went back to the TTk and found NO increase at all, so I'm getting sceptical of the clamps, anyone else have better luck than me?

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