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Grip "gpp"

Bob Lipinski

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Anyone have any success doing high volumes of low intensity grip work throughout the day- Something like snowballs, dexterity balls, or pony clamp- In addition to regular training?

I remember Bill talking about something liek this a while back. I am messing around with it now. Wonder if anyone else has experience.

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For years I have played around with something similiar to a snowball. Years ago I was at a picnic and I was sitting with a guy who was a clown. No, I mean a professional clown. He was packing bird seed into an empty baloon. He would cut off the neck of the baloon, fill it with bird seed, and then keep wrapping layer after layer of more baloons with the necks cut off.

He explained he entetained kids at hospitals, handed out the filled baloons and taught the kids how to juggle. Kids loved it.

It got me to thinking instead of bird seed (which is too light) why not fill the baloon with hard, dry beans. I did then added 24 layers of baloons to fit my mit which is 8". It felt good but after a couple of days the layers of baloon were wearing through. I then covered it with electrian tape and Bingo that was perfect.

It is harder than a snowball but I can really sink my strength into it. I have carried one ever since. Keep one in the living room next to my chair and another in the truck. Besides maxing out on the thing I also use it as a warmup before using the grippers. It works and is dirt cheap! :D

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I've always wondered if playing the piano, or at least striking the keys in an accurate pattern would be good for hand GPP, although I have never tried it.


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I use dexterity balls of varying sizes often through out the day. I dont really know what this serves to do except help me to recover.

Big Steve also does stuff all day long.

Rick Walker :rock

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Sounds like smitty's program.


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I know my pinch has improved by doing exercise with some block weights I made. By no means are they the upper limit of my pinch strength, but they felt heavy when I first got them, then I doctored them to make them harder, and now they are light. Different stuff throughout the day whenever I wanted to. Because they are pretty fun to work with, I was/am just inching to do something with them.

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Chances are playing the piano would strengthen the hands. My wife was a professional musician for over 20 years. She played the guitar for hours a day.

When my CoC #1 came in I gave to her as a joke. She closed it to within a 1/4 inch. Not bad for a middle age women who weighs 110lbs. She couldn't understand what the big deal was.

PS: I don't let play with my toys anymore.

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I've used the dexterity balls and the towel roll described in Brockfields book.

I got better at both but my crushing strenght didn't increase and I had lots of hand cramps....

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