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New To The Board And Grip Training


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Hey, just thought I would introduce myself. I'm 24 years old, and currently working on a degree in finance and possibly a minor in spanish . I have been weight training on and off for a few years, but earlier this year finally found a way that I can be more consistent and dedicated to my training. I recently decided that I wanted to improve my grip strength so I bought the coc T and #1, really want crushing grip, I have never trained grip before, I also went and registered for the KTA program. Anyway, I am more of a browser than a poster so I will most likely lurk the boards daily and maybe throw in some feedback or progress reports as I go along, but glad to be here just the same.

Just a quick question though for those on the KTA program, I can close my coc T with both hands, and almost close my coc #1 (maybe 1/2 inch short with either hand). Should I buy the coc #2 and #3, the #2 for negatives now and the #3 when I'm working to close the #2 after I get the #1 or should I work the #1 till I can dominate the T? Are there some other type of gripper (beefbuilders or the pda's...seen a few) that may be better (just looking for opinions)?. Once I get the #2 I'll look into buying the #4 or equivalent.

Thanks all

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nice to have you abord, congrats on that trainer, but if your still 1/2 inch away on the number one i would at least wait intell you can close that by wprking hard on your trainer, the 2 is quit a bit harder then the one...and the 3 is a real beast. forget about the 3 and 4 for now...imho.

just for refrence clarincuzio....i can do the #2 about 10 times but can only get to 1/2 inch on the 3....so if you need to get one more go with a 2 at most. but be warned it will feel like a beast intell you get that one at least 10 times.

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at the end i ment intell you can get that #1 10 times the #2 will feel like a beast....

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Welcome! :D

Good luck with KTA, you wont be disapointed.

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I would buy #2 if I were in your clothes. I think its good to train your hands with negatives. Because when you have trained with one harder gripper for a while the easier gripper will feel MUCH easier....I think it's like fooling the your body :D

Good luck with your training, I want to read about your progress!

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Buy the #2 for now.

You'll need a 3 when you are going for the 2. Maybe a tweener before that. Get one of those from Warren Tetting.

I'd buy the #3 if you have the money now to save shipping. It'll be up next as a goal quickly enough. :)

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You need to master the trainer before you start worrying about the # 1.

Get a BB Super Advanced for Negatives for KTA only after you can grind the handles on the Trainer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, today I closed the #1 with my left hand, closed it with my right about a week ago. I still don't have the #2 and#3 coc's yet, but will get them soon I hope. Not sure of how much I can attribute closing the 1 to increase in strength or the "seasoning" of the gripper, but I closed it and I feel good about it :D . The biggest thing I noticed since I first got the grippers is how easy the trainer feels now when I close it. My roommate could close them both when I first got them so I'm going to have him see if they are any easier for him to close now.

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Buena suerte con el entrenamiento del agarre, y tambien para el Minor de Espanol!

Creo que es buena idea comprar, ahorrita, por lo menos el numero 2 y el numero 3. Tambien seria inteligente buscar otros grippers de Warren Tetting. El produce muchos grippers de niveles de fuerza diferentes, que caen entre los numeros 2 y 3 y 4 de los de Ironmind.

Otra vez, buena suerte, y bienvenido al Gripboard. El lider mundial de entrenamiento para el agarre.


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not really sure what jedd is talking about, but if you have the money get the #2 and 3 just for the hell of it.

I just got the #1 and 2 a few days ago. I can close the 1 a few times with each hand but am short with the 2 about a half inch. I use the 2 for negatives. I'm gonna order the #3 just for kicks.....i know it will be harder, but I'll do negatives on that also.

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