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Any Tips On Rt Training?


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I am on a quest to a 200lb RT pull. I am just wondering if anybody has any tips that would help me on that journey. I can supply the hard work just wanting some training advice. Thanks Later

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Matt!... are you reading my mind??... you must be psychic, because I just asked this very same question on the other forum. :D

For those of you who don't know, Matt and I have a little contest going. We're trying to see who will be the first one of us to pull 200 pounds on the RT.

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Once a week heavy singles, always trying to add more weight. A few timed holds will help as well. No need for chalk with PVC just keep the hands and handle clean and dry with towels. Try to lift by straightening up rather than pulling the handle. Try to hold on and straighten the legs and back. If your wrist is strong try turning it in.

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I do just as old guy said. Once a week I train w/ RT with max effort first few sets then do some holds-around 10 seconds a hold. I also use the Fat Bastard BB 2.5" handle to do get a different feel. Have been doing this and my PR has gone up significantly already.

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Bring up your pinch. I hadnt touched my rt in about 6 months and I hit a 10 pound pr. Good Luck!


I had the same experience.

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Try to lift by straightening up rather than pulling the handle. Try to hold on and straighten the legs and back.

This is the method that has helped me the most. This alone will add to your PR immediately.



Edited by cjcocn
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Shawn what is your current PR on the the RT?

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