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Negatives On The Super Gripper


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is it just me or is doing negatives with the ivanko super gripper really damn hard? to do them, i look some rope around the handle snd step on it. with both hands i force the close by pulling up. my gripping hand is in the right position so i can just do the neg right away. this is ridiculous, i get a workout just setting the damn thing, any suggestions.

-also i would like to note, i am not a "90 lbs weakling," in fact quite the opposite

(my double body-weight bench and 500 lbs olympic squat speak for themselves ;) )

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I just close it with both hands and slowly remove one. Are you using the maximum setting (12, 10)? Maybe you need to practice with easier negatives until you get the right feel?

I am a 90 pound weakling, I can wrist curl more than I can bench. ;)

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The ISG lends itself well to a training technique I call "double downs". You do the positive phase with both hands, and then the negative with only one hand. Alternate the hand that gets the negative for each rep.

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thanks guys. what about anyone else? (sorry if i offended anyone by the 90 lbs weakling comment. i should be greatful for my good genetics). i wish i could wrist curl more than i could bench, i'd be a friggin' animal! :D

Edited by Vise
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Man, I have no idea why you are having such a difficult time doing negatives with the ISG. I think it's perfect for negatives and love doing them on it because as long as you don't brace it you can't use body english to cheat. I just close with two hands and hold with one. I can't bench double bodyweight and I'm definetly not a 500lb squatter. If you think negatives on the ISG are hard stay away from the #4. Even on the 10,12 setting, it's not even close to as hard as far as getting it into position.

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Man, I have no idea why you are having such a difficult time doing negatives with the ISG. I think it's perfect for negatives and love doing them on it because as long as you don't brace it you can't use body english to cheat. I just close with two hands and hold with one. I can't bench double bodyweight and I'm definetly not a 500lb squatter. If you think negatives on the ISG are hard stay away from the #4. Even on the 10,12 setting, it's not even close to as hard as far as getting it into position.

I agree. I'm not able to get much from negatives with the 4. Can't even cheat it closed all the way--So it's akin to squeezing a brick.

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ISGs vary like anything. Some peoples 10&12 positions are about 3 strength, some are closer to 4 strength. I know it was easier for me to cheat close the 4 than my ISG especially because i seem to get better leverage on the 4. If its that hard with two hands and a rope you might want to just go a setting or two down, sometimes holding onto a negative for a while is better than having your hands ripped apart instantly.

How much do you weigh BTW? I've been getting close to a dbl bdwt bench for a few years now, i just keep getting heavier though!

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Repeating what everyone else has said, I use two hands to close the damn thing, then hold on for dear life when I take one hand off.

I also grab and steady the ISG with my free hand, even when doing negatives. I haven't put any sandpaper or tape on the handles (which might help) and stablizing it seems to give me a better workout.

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I know it was easier for me to cheat close the 4 than my ISG especially because i seem to get better leverage on the 4.

What kind of technique do you use to close your #4? Although my #4 and ISG feel very similiar once I let off with the other hand, getting them cheat closed is as different as night and day. Squeezing 345 with 2 hands isn't that big of a deal but if I don't get a good initial squeeze out of my RH I can't chest crush the #4 because it feels like I'll just push the gripper handle right through my pinkie. Please let me in on your way of cheat closing the #4.

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thanks for the advice. i weigh 200 lbs and have been a life-time drug free lifter (i'm also only 18). also, i hold on to the neg. for about 2-3 seconds. it isn't that it is too hard, its just a pain in the ass.

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it feels like I'll just push the gripper handle right through my pinkie.

Yeah thats about right :D I chest crushed Clay's traveling 4 which if that's not an average/hard 4 then I'm going to retire right now. It was all chest crush, not much of a negative since the gripper opens up even before I could get my left hand off of it.

My ISG 10 & 12 is freaking hard I've never touched the handles with it before (I'll give it a try again tonight as I've gotten a bit stronger since I last tried). I put my left hand down on the handle which gives my less leverage with it, perhaps if I put it on top of my right hand?

Anyway I don't really like doing negatives with grippers that are just out of my league so I stick with my elite and filed #3, though I may need to get one up since my elite is getting easier...

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