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Got My Rt Today


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I may have been able to get 157 1/2 or 160 but it took a couple tries with the 155 to get a good pic. The guy who I had taking the picture didn't get the weight and that's the only thing I told him to make sure he got. Anyway not to shabby if you ask me. I'm going to work on getting the picture in my gallery later

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Am I the only one who got a picture of the Cat in the Hat when he finished the sentence with OH Yeah?

Nice pull man. What did you think of the implements construction?


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fun stuff

you are gonna have lots of fun with that thing, but as Tom Black once said, the rolling thunder is a ruthless bitch. it sure is, Tom.


p.s. just don't expect your gripper progress to soar up by leaps and bounds the day after you do a rolling thunder workout. it REALLY fries your hands for a few days, buddy!

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Well I was just informed that in my pic my form was off. Will wait a few days and get another one. Figures the only good pic I had the RT came against my leg so this 155 does not count yet

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o and Jedd I really like the quality I didn't see anything wrong with it.

What I did was in the pic I picked it up inbetween my legs and then once I got it up it looks like in the pic that the back of the handle is touching my leg/inner crotch which I didn't mean to do. I am also almost postive I didn't do with 145. I also know that I can break it off the ground b/c obviously I had to pick it up. Man didn't know there was a certain way to pick it up just though you lifted it:D :D should have known nothing is that ez. So i'm to take a couple days off and give her another shot

Edited by Matt76
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Heck yet another update..

I showed the pic to some other grip guys on the board who I have much respect for :bow and they said the lift is good :D:D

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Also the pic is in my gallery

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That's a really good start, Matt!

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Great Job Matt....

OK so what are the particulars about lifting the rolling thunder? What constitues a good lift versus a bad lift. Like you, I would not have thought it involved anything other than lifting it up.

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Excellent begin! :rock

My very first attempt was 132 back in january. Now I'm at 165.

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Well I was told that it was on my leg so bad lift. Well I showed the pic to some other gripsters and they first assured me if it was a good lift to you it is a good lift. See they told me that it is going to come up against my body once it is fully lifted and that's all it did. So really just lift it and you are fine :D

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I heard this weekend that for a competition RT lift to be considered legal, when you reach the top of your lift, you have to move your non-lifting hand out to the side, and then pause for two seconds.

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Matt76, well done, you got off to a good start. From looking at your pic I would guess that the reason for the contact with your leg was the angle you held the handle at when you started the pull. I (and I think most others) start with the handle facing roughly the same way as the feet, it seems like you started as if you were performing a double overhand deadlift.

chrisof4, who's rules are these? I have a copy of the IM rules (somewhere) and don't recall that - I would say that would take 10-20lbs of most people's top lift.

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chrisof4, who's rules are these? I have a copy of the IM rules (somewhere) and don't recall that - I would say that would take 10-20lbs of most people's top lift.

That is just something I heard, and it should not be taken as gospel, as I may have misunderstood. However, if you have the official IM rules, I would love to see them. I searched their website, the gripboard, and the Internet, but I could not find them.

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you are gonna have lots of fun with that thing, but as Tom Black once said, the rolling thunder is a ruthless bitch. it sure is, Tom.

Hmmm, don't remember saying that, but yea, the RT is Ruthless :D 155 for a first pull is excellent.

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This is an excellent lift for someone who has never done it before!! :bow

Question for you: you seem to like the RT... do you think you would specialize in this particular lift?? What I mean is, practice it a lot and really get good at it? ;)

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To be honest Sybersnott yes I do plan on getting good at it and maybe specializing in this and thick Db work or thick bar.

I will however, continue to work grippers. One day would like to give the #4 a run for it's money. :D

The other thing I have to remember is I am a powerlifter. I have a real passion for hitting the weights. This does hinder my grip training in a way. Mostly b/c i'm always pulling heavy weights and when it comes time to do grip training it's like I already got a workout.

I figure though my hands will adapt in time. Well they will have to b/c if they don't i'll die trying :rock

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I'm the one who told Chrisof4 about the rules for the RT lift. I only meant that's the way it was performed at the Super Grip Challenge. Nothing more:) And it definitely takes a bit of weight off of the max when compared to most other styles of lifting the RT.

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I'm the one who told Chrisof4 about the rules for the RT lift. I only meant that's the way it was performed at the Super Grip Challenge. Nothing more:) And it definitely takes a bit of weight off of the max when compared to most other styles of lifting the RT

See, I told you I probably misunderstood. :(

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That was my fault Chris. :D The Ironmind rules seem to be a bit more lenient than the SG rules.

Matt, very nice pull by the way. What do you weigh?

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Well after roofing last summer I weighed 170 :D

But after Powerlifting this school year first time lifting in close to three years well I was up to 220 :D:D I am now down to around 210 i've been really sick for about a week

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