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Computer Having A Negative Effect On Grip\wrist?


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I spend alot of time on the computer at home, at school, and at my job. I was curious if this has a negative effect on grip training. I notice sometimes my wrists get very, very sore if I am on the computer for long periods of time

I've noticed lately that my grip training seems to be stagnating and was curious if this could possibly be the cause...maybe it would be a good idea to limit the time I spend at the computer in these places?

thanks in advance

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I spend 8-15 hours a day with my hands on a keyboard and have never noticed any adverse affects on my grip training because of it.

If anything the opposite is true. My hands are constantly in motion, flushing fresh new blood into my hands all day long.

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I use a natural keyboard and a wheel mouse so my hand is rotated.

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Porkbone and I were discussing this some time ago. Specifically, the effect that typing really fast has on the CNS and any negative effects it may have in grip training (can you tell we have no lives?).

I think Porkbone had a good point when he said that we have conditioned our CNS to handle typing all day and still maintaining full use of our hands without pain. Further, we've primed our CNS even more by working grip afterwards. I'm still undecided on the matter, but could go either way pretty easily.

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I use a natural keyboard and a wheel mouse so my hand is rotated.

Good Job, Bill. Natural keyboards take a little getting used to, but they are really worth it - same with a good wheelmouse. Prevention is the key - make sure you have good equipment and that your chair, desk, monitor, etc. is positioned right:

3M Ergonomics Guide

Training your grip will probably have the greatest positive effect, but if your workstation setup is way off, it won't matter much.

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One thing that has bothered me is having my arm locked straight when using the mouse. Always keeping a bend in the joint has helped a lot.


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I think we all would have thrown our computers under a moving vehicle by now if this was a serious problem to any of us. :laugh

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