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My Low Budget Equipment


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Well, I live in Canada and grippers cost way too much with shipping and the exchange rate so I decided to see what I could make for very little money. Here's what I came up with today.

Wrist roller, softball with eye hook, 4" pvc blob. Also got a big pack of spring clamps.

The spring clamps are great for warmup and for doing thumb plus one or two finger grips. The blob is good for warmup and stretching the fingers (I made it really wide), but it only weighs 5pds. Need to fill it with something other than sand and rocks.

Total cost: $26CDN or $19US.


Edited by thehumungus
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nice stuff, you're off to a great start! you don't need to spend a furtune to get strong hands, if you're creative you can make most of what you need.

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If you can budget correctly, you CAN afford the grippers... please get them as they will help you tremendously in your grip training!

Also if you could help spread the word in Canada about grip strength and training your grip. Otherwise, I may haffta make a special trip up there and become a crusader for hand/grip strength - and go on to become a hero in Canada!! Yes!! :D

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Looks like you have what you need to get strong.

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  • 2 months later...

Is this low budget equipment or Lowe's budget equipment? It looks like you made a great shopping trip at the local hardware store. Sometimes you need to think outside of the box when obtaining/building home training equipment that is just right for your needs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you look at Ironmind's catalog or my website, you can get the majority of the stuff put together pretty cheaply. If you need suggestions, email me & I can give you some ideas. I originally built the first "Bomb" modeled from the softball I was using.

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A little expensive (~$20-$30), but if you can get ahold of some 2" ball bearings, they make a nice set of heavy dexterity balls.

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