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This Is Great

Clay Edgin

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The video link on this page is pretty comical:


The guy presenting it is a doof to begin with and he says "Hand this over to a spectator and they will try to bend it back and they CAN'T. I guarantee it." I especially like the half-grunts and groans he makes while bending it.

I'm half tempted to buy one for just shits and giggles.

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Wow, he didn't even have to wrap it with anything! What a monster! Why no crushdown, though? Maybe lack of upper body strength? :D

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Well spotted :D

No clothes either,we should ask him how he trained for such an impressive bend :D ,All pure wrist as well.

this is the future of bending,no cloths,no chest crush,a big smile on his face,the mans awesome :D

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Did anyone click on the "carpenter's nightmare" trick?

It's got the tagline - "Forget everything you know about the laws of nature"

Now that explains some benders on this gripboard better than anything else I've heard before. :D

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OldGuy, only if the magic hanky is in two pieces!

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I don't get it.

Why would not anyone be able to bend it back.

I guaren-damn-tee I could snap that piece of junk like a pencil as could just about anyone else on this forum.

What the Crap :blink

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I can do that :cool

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I don't know if that was 2 inches. The guy could have crushed it down a litle more. So I'm not gicing him any form of a certification.

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