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Why Do You Do Work Your Grip?


Why do you do work your Grip?  

130 members have voted

  1. 1. Why do you do work your Grip?

    • I do grip work mainly for myself
    • I do grip work for myself and I also like to compete
    • I do grip work mainly because I like to compete
    • I do grip work mainly to help me in my occupation
    • I do it for the money (sorry couldn't resist!)

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After reading Clay's post:

You guys have fun making rules and such. I'm just going to bend.

I thought that I'd put up this poll. It seems that many people just do grip because they enjoy it, or want a stronger grip for weights, etc. Many also do it because they love to compete, and still others do it mainly because they need a strong grip for Strongman contests, their job, etc.

I guess I'm just wondering. Me, I guess I do it mainly for myself, but also to help in my job since I use the computer a lot. My weak hands (in this company, at least) will probably never be good enough to compete, so that doesn't really apply to me.

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When I first started training my grip, I did it because I realized it was a weak link that needed to be strong. I like strength, so naturally, anywhere I am weak, I want to improve.

Now that I am getting ready to get into law enforcement/corrections, I train grip for that exclusively. I no longer train to achieve feats, though that will happen as a result of my training.

Although I will continue to host an annual grip contest, I will no longer compete in any myself. I just have no desire to. I do, however, enoy hosting contests and seeing incredible feats of strength!

Right now, I am trying to get my hands combat ready...but dont think I am slacking ;)

Rick Walker :rock

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I do it mostly for fun but would like to compete when i get better at it. I allways did like working grip over the years i was lifting weights alot but could never find any stronger then the store ones, this was before the internet took off making it easy to find things.

Also after years of lifting heavy weights i have bad disc in my back and stomach hernia so this is one of the few things i can do at max attempts and still not hurt the above things.

Anyway i am real glad i found this place :rock

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:D To me concentrating on my grip was something I never done before and since beginning it I have to say I am very glad I did. The benefits from doing a grip exercise such as the [ farmers walk] did me sooo good I have to say I am impressed (lower back got so much stronger and just overall feeling of strength is amazing). I now work on developing my crush and pinch grip along with my supporting grip. Been great doing so, something about working the hands that makes a person feel good. This is a great site glad I found it. :rock
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i do it cause i like it.

stay strong!! :rock

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Pretty much the reason i started training my grip was so i could hold on to the farmers walk better, and for other gripping events in strongman and powerlifting.

I now train my grip for that reason and for the satisfaction of knowing my hands are strong.

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All of the options having been paid to talk about it and having a Gripper book which sells :D Plus I ain't too bad at it compared to the rest of my lifts (ok).

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To be POWERFUL, so powerful that all grip discussions naturally include me. Sure, I won't hear 99.9999% of those discussions, but that's okay because I will already have the real prize within my grasp (pun intended) - that prize being my knowing how strong my grip is.

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I work grip because I love doing it. Unlike a lot of things we do in our everyday life, I actually look forward to training grip. To me its much more than a hobby, its a true passion of mine. I also look forward to competing in a grip competition. :rock

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I work grip because I love doing it. Unlike a lot of things we do in our everyday life, I actually look forward to training grip. To me its much more than a hobby, its a true passion of mine. I also look forward to competing in a grip competition. :rock

This is the way I feel about it.

Who was it that said that having strong hands is an asset and NOT a liability??

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I'm an anesthesiologist and a strong grip helps me mask ventilate patients after I knock them out. :whacked Using the fifth finger on my left hand like a crowbar behind the angle of the jaw, I push the mandible and tongue forward and out of the way so I can force oxygen in. I teach residents at the hospital where I work and I've bought COC trainers to put in their call rooms. I may offer them a cash prize for closing the #2 to get them motivated.

Tom McCammon


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My years of rockclimbing is what lead me to grip training, I also couldnt find a gripper that was challenging enough until I found CoC on the net.

The fact that I will be the first certified from my country is just a bonus, even if their was no list I would still train to close the #3 and #4

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I do it mainly for my line of work, ....just in case a windpipe needs to be crushed! :D

Nevermind, I just like the satisfaction out of being PAID to train grip. Opportunities arise at work all the time for various facets of grip training.

Edited by mmainlands
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I do it because I enjoy it. It also helps a lot at work, so that's an added side effect. But even if I didn't work in corrections I'd still train grip.

Rick, when are you entering law enforcement? Will you be working in a jail? And God help those who decide they want to fight you! :D Good luck either way.

Mmainlands-what is your profession? Are you in law enforcement or maybe a fighter?

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Damn it Rick, I don't know what all this "I'll have a grip contest but won't compete" jazz is all about! You got me into the competitive arena, I'll be damned if I just let you skip town like that. Here's a few reason why you should compete...

1) It's fun

2) It's not fun just watching

3) It's motivating

4) Cash prizes/awards

Last but not least...

5) I still owe you a rematch in the farmers hold :cool

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Here's a few reason why you should compete...

1) It's fun

2) It's not fun just watching

3) It's motivating

4) Cash prizes/awards


And heres a few reasons why I shouldnt:

1. It is hard enough to organize and run a competition, let alone compete in one.

2. I have pleny of motivation without competing.

3. I give away my own money, so even if I did place, I would not take the cash.

Like I said, I will host it, but I wont compete. To hard to do both. I really just dont have the desire to compete...

Rick Walker :rock

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I work my grip because it's fun. I don't get much out of this stuff except for personal satisfaction. I am a show-off at heart and love doing stuff like nail bending in front of relatives.

I'm also fascinated by human potential. A great majority of us have already exceeded our levels of hand strength compared to "normal" folks. Just how far can we take this thing? As big as these achievements are for us now, they're only really scratching the surface of human potential I think. Every time someone bends a RED, closes a #4, or high pulls the Inch bell, it breaks down psychological barriers among the rest of us and then more people start to perform these feats. Everyone is pushing everyone else by simply training seriously and hitting PR's.

I read things like "so and so is closing the #4" or "Pat bent 19 reds in one afternoon" or "Mark Henry snatched the Inch bell" and I immediately want to go out and train. I want to be as good as these guys for the simple fact that what they are doing is so damn cool. Hey, I want to be one of the cool kids too!

At this point, I can't ever see a reason to slow down with grip training unless an injury rears its ugly head. The possibilities of feats to perform is infinite!

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Nice post Clay! I' give it a solid AMEN!

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