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Just Closed My Sm Gripper

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I just closed my SM gripper i got from Jeff Peterson :rock I just did it once in my workout today. Damn this feels good cuz i know the #3 will fall in the not to distant future. Thx Jeff for a great gripper :)


Congrats :rock:rock

Just wondering was that mash done with the old rules or new rules?


I did it using the old rules. Had the handles set parallel. I can no set my #1 easy and do the #2 using the new credit card rules with my right hand anyway.


Nice work man its only a matter of months before you destroy the #3! :rock

Sean Fogale

Tacoma, Washington

If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.


Nice crush, that #3 isn't far off. Keep it up! :rock

Real Name: Leonard "L.J." Sanchez


- Cert on the Crushed to Dust Challenge in late 2020
- Cert on the CoC #3 before I graduate as a PTA in 2021
- Cert on the CoC #3.5
- Lift the Inch


I wouldn't say months hard work and you could get it in a month depending on how hard your SM is. Keep it up you'll be there


I'm impressed you can shut it already. Onwards to the #3.


congrats rockhurly!! where does that sm gripper fall between the 2 and 3??


Awsome dude! :rock:rock

"Grip is equally mental and physical. Take the time to develop your mental strength and watch your numbers soar." -Clay Edgin

My Workout Blog


Awesome job!!! :rock:bow

that sound is the #3 shaking :D

Ray Hansford

Current PB's

15 reps #2

1 rep #3

"If you think you can-You can, If you think you can't-You can't. Either way your right"


From what i seen posted king crusher the SM is around a 2.6 to a 2.7


im about a half inch from the #3, do you think i could do this sm??? rock??


Great job Joseph!


I think there is a very good chance you could king crusher.


outstanding!! :rock

stay strong!! :rock


A Super Master close is a great accomplishment! Good job. And like the other guys said, you're very, very close to the #3. I can hear the #3 shaking...


Good for you! :mosher

Boston MA!

Real Name: Matt English

6'1" and a "FAT" 363lbs

My goal is to have a GOAL!

John Eaton touched my hand once... Now I have the power!!


Can you Straphold the BB Sm?

If you can do using 1/16 for 6 pounds I think #3 ironmind will



Cool! Good job :mosher

Boston MA!

Real Name: Matt English

6'1" and a "FAT" 363lbs

My goal is to have a GOAL!

John Eaton touched my hand once... Now I have the power!!


Actually i have not used strapholds yet in my training mooinabc1. But i know i could not close the #3 yet as the SM took everything i had to close.



Real Name: Keyser Söze

When the One Great Scorer Comes

To mark against your name,

He writes not whether you won or lost,

But how you played the game.

You have a gift Roy but it's not enough.


congrats!!! rocksurly mybe you should purchase a pda 280 or an rb240 with narrow handles as they are the next step above a sm and just under the coc#3.

Once again keep up the good work.

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