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Card Tear

Rick Walker

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Tonight I managed a long ways tear of a deck of cards. These cards are pretty tough to tear-Jedd and Smitty will both attest to that.

The tear took under 20 seconds. I am still not able to use much more then my right hand and wrist-I cant get my arm into it yet as the pec hurts still.

People who bend are always talking about finding their form. It is often said that the more they bend, the less they have to kink the bar before chest crushing. I can say the same is sort of true for me and cards.

I am begining to wring the cards sooner. Most people tear from start to finish with one hand on top of the deck and the other on the bottom-like taking a lid of a jar. I start the cards this way, then go immediately to a wringing motion, hands out in front of me, palms down, twisting the ddeck like one would a wash rag.

The more I tear, the less I have to start the cards with the jar technique. I will soon be tearing the deck start to finish with the wrining technique.

Thougts? I have seen no one else tear cards this way...


Rick Walker :rock

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I finish tougher decks that way. I've been tinkering around with trying to crease a deck and then tear them like a phone book but I just can't get my hands comfortable yet due to the limited amount of space. I'm AMAZED you can tear at all with that pec. :bow You'll be able to just annihilate decks once that heals.

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Deck and a half down...

took me a long time. I always tear right into them half ways, then stall out.

2- decks will fall...

Rick Walker :rock

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1.5 decks with a torn pec...... :bow:bow:bow Do you think that card simulator you are doing the snatch with in the gallery has helped you a lot? Do you do anything else to train for tearing other than the actual tearing?

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Is this method new since the injury? When you tore cards before the injury, did you use the more conventional style and develop this method to work around the injury or do you feel it's an overall stronger body position for you with or without the injury?

By the way - impressive tearing!

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Rick were you tearing 2 decks before you had your pec injury? By the way nice work on the 1 1/2 deck card rip! :rock

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Is this method new since the injury? When you tore cards before the injury, did you use the more conventional style and develop this method to work around the injury or do you feel it's an overall stronger body position for you with or without the injury?

By the way - impressive tearing!

Basically, it is new. Pre injury, I had a very hard time tearing 1 deck. I used more conventional style at first because that was all that I knew.

To me, wringing is better feeling.

Rick were you tearing 2 decks before you had your pec injury? By the way nice work on the 1 1/2 deck card rip

No-I have never tore 2 decks. As a matter of fact, pre injury, I had a hard time tearing 1 deck.

Do you do anything else to train for tearing other than the actual tearing?

Nope. I just buy 15-20 decks, and tear every day till the decks are gone. I then rest a few days and go buy more. IMO the best way to get good at tearing is to tear...

Rick Walker :rock

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Nice job Rick! BTW, if your pec was hurting at NOS-II, I sure couldn't tell as it didn't stop you from doing some crazy stuff!

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Very impressive Rick!

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I use a mixed grip and tear them all the way without changing grip. I use my left hand in a wringing grip and my right hand in an over the end (like Tommy) grip. Then I twist and pull the deck in half. I am training the over/under (like Tommy) grip but it is still much harder for me that way.

Mike M.

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Rick tearing with an injured pec is unbelievable, you are an animal man. Inspired by your post I gave 2 decks a try again tonight, last 2 attempts were poor, got the tear started but whimped out before I finished it. Tonight in a span of 10 minutes I was able to get thru 2 decks ( cheap ones from dollar general) minus about 6 cards that tore prematurely from slippage. The hardest part for me is getting a grip to finish a deck, I start over under to begin the tear like Tommy, then switch to wringing motion to finish, prob was I couldnt get my puny hands around the deck to gain leverage, ended up using hands on same side of deck push pulling........Also to be completly honest I rested my forearm on my thigh (bracing) to finish the thing.....But I am not a purist and never claimed to be, just do this stuff for fun..Hats off to all who do this Legit..anyway my original intent was to thank you for the inspiration, Lord knows I need it.............. Brett

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Tonight I managed a long ways tear of a deck of cards. These cards are pretty tough to tear-Jedd and Smitty will both attest to that.

The tear took under 20 seconds. I am still not able to use much more then my right hand and wrist-I cant get my arm into it yet as the pec hurts still.

People who bend are always talking about finding their form. It is often said that the more they bend, the less they have to kink the bar before chest crushing. I can say the same is sort of true for me and cards.

I am begining to wring the cards sooner. Most people tear from start to finish with one hand on top of the deck and the other on the bottom-like taking a lid of a jar. I start the cards this way, then go immediately to a wringing motion, hands out in front of me, palms down, twisting the ddeck like one would a wash rag.

The more I tear, the less I have to start the cards with the jar technique. I will soon be tearing the deck start to finish with the wrining technique.

Thougts? I have seen no one else tear cards this way...


Rick Walker :rock

One of the things I have noticed at the top level in our sport, indeed any sport, is the top guys either by thought or instinct find the best way to do their given activity. Most will practise and practise until exhausted. Long after the amateurs have gone home. Some will spend serious bucks, to the detriment of other bills and activities (like going out for a meal with their girl), so that they can buy THE equipment they need rather than play at something.

I remember reading in one of George Best's many autobiographies how he would spend as much as 7 hours a day kicking the ball at a goal they had painted on the side of his mothers house. One corner for an hour, then another, then just inside the bar and so on. 6 or 7 days a week. Then when he plays it looks natural and effortless.

Take Rick, myself and others who can - ANYTIME - shut a CoC 2 while others still struggle and sweat. It's cos we worked our asses off for a long time. Got the torn skin, wore and remade callouses, adjusted and readjusted our thumbs, fingers and sets. Again and again and again. In all the programs and books there are, mine included, it can be very hard to put into words the exact mental attitude needed. Rick hints at this when he is still trying to tear the cards with a torn pec.

I hope that this gives a little insight for those looking for the answer.

Congrats dude :mosher

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Take Rick, myself and others who can - ANYTIME - shut a CoC 2 while others still struggle and sweat. It's cos we worked our asses off for a long time.

Steve i think you meant "shut a COC 3" cause i can do what you said with a #2 anytime as well and i'm just a dick compared to you lol :tongue

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Thanks Mob. Didnt catch this when it was first written.

At any rate, the tearing is becoming quick and easy. The long ways tears are becoming clean...even with 4 joker decks. Clean deck

I have some packs from Malaysia. They are very hard. The cards almost cork screw before they even begin to tear. I have struggled to tear these decks and actually stopped trying them for a month as I failed with them every time. Yesterday, between tilling my garden, I went into the garage and took after them with muddy, worn out hands. I managed a good clean tear. It took a while, but I did it. I did not try them long ways yet.

Thanks again Mob-

Rick Walker :rock

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