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Healing My Elbow


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I've had a strained elbow for about a month now, and nothing seems to help.

(I believe I strained it while bending)

I've tried contrast baths, massaging, triggerpoint, tiger balm, resting(!), light workouts... but all for naught.

It's getting to be a friggin pain in the ***, because I still have the strength to do heavy workouts, but I'm afraid I'll hurt myself more. I can't even do gripper negs effectively because of it, which is a real bummer.

Any ideas? Except visiting a chiropractor/massage therapist or the like (don't really have the cash at the moment).

The root of the problem seems to be where the brachialis connects to the elbow joint. I don't think it's a tendon strain.


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Just a clarification...

Is it where the brachialis inserts at the elbow or where the brachioradialis originates from the elbow. Just asking, because some people get these muscles mixed up.


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Hundreds of finger extensions with rubber bands does miraculous things for my elbows. I use an easyish rubber band and do very high reps quickly.


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I have the exact same problem with my right arm.


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bsedot: I've done fingerextensions with rubberbands... but not noticed that it affecting my elbow in any way. (I have however noticed that pressing down hard with the thumb causes some pain. )

Jedd: I'm not really sure (looking at an anatomy chart right now). It seems to be mostly the brachialis, but when stretching the brachiordalis it alliviates the pain somewhat (but it does not last). I feel the pain when I have my arm stretched, and supinate or pronate my forearm, but mostly at the "endpoint" of pronating.

Also when lifting things with the forarm pronated (again, also when supinated, but less) and the higher I lift, the more it hurts.

Clear as mud? ;)

tmmicklabs: It's a real b**** isn't it?


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I have had a similar injury and since many of us have them, I don't think it is a coincidence. I think it is from focusing too much on grip at the expense of everything else.

Mine started some time last summer. I tried a bunch of different things, massage, rest, ice, heat , liniments and a few others. Nothing seemed to help. I said the heck with it and started training that area again but very very light and many reps. The pain eventually disappeared as I got stronger.

I believe that it has to do with a muscular imbalance of some sort in that if you strengthen your grip, you will get a lot stronger and stay away from injury if you strengthen everything else accordingly. In my case, I began to pay special attention to my upper arm development and more all-around development in general. Not only did the pain in my elbow disappear but my grip progress really took off.

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I will echo John W's comment and contribute an anecdote of my own! I had some shoulder pain that I got as a result of bending. The tendon near where the shoulder and collarbone met hurt as a result of me training stupid one night. What really helped were high rep overhead presses mixed up with some heavy 1RM attempts. Anything that involved having a bar over my head helped.

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Hmm... in light of that... and my own thoughts on the subject... I did some pump-highrep training today... and some swimming... let's see if that helps any...

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Hmm... in light of that... and my own thoughts on the subject... I did some pump-highrep training today... and some swimming... let's see if that helps any...

Keep us posted. I have the same or similar problem. I guess I will try John Wood's


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Well, maybe too soon to say, but it seems that the pain has subsided some since yesterdays highrep training, and been replaced by a more general soreness.

I've also been reading quite a bit on recovery, and how training deads and squats helps by generally putting the whole body in active recovery mode, or something to that effect.

Might be as good an excuse as any to start training the deadlift (which I suck at) and the squat (which I suck at even more) seriously :inno

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This makes me a hypocrite because I don't listen to any of my doctors, but if it lasts too much longer, you should have it checked out. It may be something you haven't thought of that a good sports doc can easily diagnose and solve for you.

Have you tried wrapping it? Not to support it, but to just keep it warm during training. Smother it with Icy/Hot, Tiger Balm, Ben-gay, whatever, then put a tight sleeve on. That's always made a huge difference in my elbow/knee injuries/pains.

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After having done a couple of workouts with high-rep training I've noticed an improvement. It seems that if you mimick the movement that actually caused the injury in the first place, you get the best results. One thing I did not think of however, was to avoid getting lactic acid buildup. Although I do not know the specifics, from what I understand, lactic acid makes it harder to recuperate the muscle. So I'm going to try doing multiple sets of about 10 reps to get a pump and a good "bleedthrough", but not a burn.

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I have the same injury from bending vertical style and it has really knocked any bending progression I had going,does yours click if you rotate your lower arm (as in turning a door handle.).

I will have to try some light high reps.

Up to now it's ok when I use grippers but it has stopped me bending.

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No it doesn't click, but it hurts when I do that, mostly when I have my arm straight aswell. I also kink vertical, then go terminator style.

I think I am going to try light, volyme bending aswell, although it is kind of hard to get a pump that way.... hmm... maybe if I prepare like 10 nails beforehand (heh.. don't think I have that many towels)...

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The ruberband exercises do help alot. Do them with your arm straight, with very little bend.

I would stick with ice after every grip workout for 10-15 minutes. Forget the heat, at least until the inflammation is gone for good. There is a product available called "Traumed." It is a homeopathic remedy that draws out the inflammation, rather than adding to it as some of the other Bengay/Icy Hot products do. You'll probably find it at a natural health food type place. It works really well.

Holding your arm in front of you, then pushing down on the back of your hand of the affected arm with your oppsite hand is somewhat effective. Another variation is holding your affected arm straight out, fist closed, then push down with the opposite hand.

One that works really well is the "Crow" positon in yoga. You balance yourself on your hands, arms tucked on the inside of knees. this exercise has really helped with my elbows, shoulders and wrists, as far as a great post workout stretch and no pain after the heaviest grip workoust I can devise.

Good luck!

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It's a homeopathic formula, and at the moment, I can't say for sure what the main ingriedients are. I believe one is Arnica, though the others have escaped my mind.

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