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Interesting Bending -


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I know I am on the KTA program but I couldn't help trying the "terminator" style of bending after watching Eric's video of his Red nail bend.

Grabbed a white nail - felt pretty good, grabbed a green nail - felt pretty good

Grabbed a 40d - felt pretty good, Grabbed a blue nail - uneven bend but felt pretty good - put it to the test and grabbed a 60d - I wiggled and squired a bit trying to find the right spot and started to feel the pressure in my left thumb webbing space but the nail kinked and I was able to finish it by going double underhand - then chest crush.

Then grabbed a 60d I had kinked a very little bit the other day - and wrapped it up and was able to kink it pretty well - then turn it over to double under hand and then finish it.

Damn - and the most interesting thing was - almost zero wrist stress! :blink

The stress/pressure of putting the nail over my left thumb webbing area was different and I need some padding there but the kink felt good.

Something to play with I think - Thanks Eric and the Diesel crew.


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This raises an interesting question. Is there anyone else who acquires the initial kink with a reverse grip, and then switches to double underhand? It will be interesting to see how you progress with this, Brett.

Edited by EricMilfeld
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I start over/under then go to double overhand.

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I'm relatively new to bending, but I generally go over-under and then switch to double overhand.

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I use the over-under and then switch to double overhand also.

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I go over under, then terminator, and I might go double under hand to get into double overhand and then crush it. On a smooth bend I don't use double under hand though. My double underhand isn't too bad, I want it to get better though.

I don't think my over under is the same as most people's though, I've been told it's quite rare.

Shrug goes double underhand, I saw that video of him smoking those reds, really cool and very aggresive.

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I've been toying with different styles lately, but I prefer double-underhand at the chin, then switch to double-overhand to finish it off. I have found that this combination puts much stress on my left thumb webbing when I switch to double-overhand if there is not a significant kink in the material from the double-underhand. I'm still trying to find what works best for me. I guess maybe it's the lack of experience with over-under, but I have not had very good results with it.

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