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New Movie!


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I made a movie of all the stuff I can do. Please check it out:

Brett Alton in "Growing Up"

Yes, it's a workout video. Unlike what you may think of the title. If that link above does not work, click here.

My directory has low bandwidth so if someone could volunteer to host my video, it would be much appreciated...

ENJOY! :blush

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Awesome video Brett! :rock You are really doing great on the grippers, and nice job on the production & cool gym setup.

I also thought it was very unusual for someone your age to be secure enough to show their "downs" as well as their "ups". :bow

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That is a great collection of workout clips. Very cool. The video was nicely done. :rock

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Sweet videos!!!!.....dam good job on the editting too :rock

and your welcome for the use of my video camera...anytime man :D

Edited by chris
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Nice video man! :rock Best one I've seen in awile keep up the good work.

Any more progress since the video?

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Awesome video man!!!

I like the blooper reel at the end :rock

We could fill an hour video with the blooper shit we have on tape :blush

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I take it I no longer have to put up the video clips you sent a day or so ago? ;)

Good job on the video!

Now to be honest on your lifting.

Your deadlifting form....you need someone to help you. Those lifts got uglier and uglier as the weight went up. Round back, jerked, stiff legged, uglies is what I would call them.

The last #2 closes were excellent by the way! No, not the last left hand one. :)

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Your deadlifting form....you need someone to help you. Those lifts got uglier and uglier as the weight went up. Round back, jerked, stiff legged, uglies is what I would call them.

As I read the post, I was hoping someone would get on him about that.

It is great that you want to jump up weight...especially when training with friends. BUT...you are on the fast track to getting hurt. Deadlifting is an exercise that allows one to handle tremendous weights. Deadlifitng like that will have you bulging discs in no time.

Take it from Bill...he knows what he is talking about. 600+ pound deadlift at 198 ;) .

A great article on sore backs

Rick Walker :rock

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First of all excellent video, great stuff. I agree on the deadlift comments, I actually cringed when I saw you liftin the weight with your back. The good news is you can improve your form and probably still have a pain free back if you have not injured yourself. (I only bring this up because I think it is VERY important to keep a straight back during the deadlift).

Your lighting technique is fantastic, this is the first video where the number on the bottom of the gripper actually pops on during the whole close.

Hope you continue to share and improve.

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I appreciate you guys helping me out... I really do. Just so everyone knows, most of the filming was done at the Straubs house and the filming was done by my friend Chris who is on here sometimes. So thanks to them.

No I haven't improved much since the filming... I haven't tryed lockouts and rolling thunder again so I may be able to do more, who knows eh?

As for Wanna, I was just really bored last night so I decided to edit a full video and I didn't think about all the videos I gave you. I'm really sorry. So I guess there's no point anymore. Thanks though!

Now for my deadlift form; I haven't hurt myself yet suprisingly but Nik, Stefan and Tom have told me how horrible my form was so I guess if almost everyone is telling me to change it, I guess i should :blush . But I guess next time I go to the Straubs, I'll make sure I do it properly and I'll as well make sure to look at all the links you guys give me.

Thanks again everyone for the support!!! :tongue

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I appreciate you guys helping me out... I really do. Just so everyone knows, most of the filming was done at the Straubs house and the filming was done by my friend Chris who is on here sometimes. So thanks to them.

No I haven't improved much since the filming... I haven't tryed lockouts and rolling thunder again so I may be able to do more, who knows eh?

As for Wanna, I was just really bored last night so I decided to edit a full video and I didn't think about all the videos I gave you. I'm really sorry. So I guess there's no point anymore. Thanks though!

Now for my deadlift form; I haven't hurt myself yet suprisingly but Nik, Stefan and Tom have told me how horrible my form was so I guess if almost everyone is telling me to change it, I guess i should :blush . But I guess next time I go to the Straubs, I'll make sure I do it properly and I'll as well make sure to look at all the links you guys give me.

Thanks again everyone for the support!!! :tongue

I would video tape yourself with a weight you believe to be proper form and post it on Off topic so we can help you further.

A half to the side and front angle would work best.

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Your deadlifting form....you need someone to help you. Those lifts got uglier and uglier as the weight went up. Round back, jerked, stiff legged, uglies is what I would call them.


Take it from Bill. Get working on good form then after you get the form down then work on moving up in weight. That last deadlift was all back! :blink

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nice man, can't wait for sunday, i don't have very many decks though.

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Why is no one else looking at this movie?


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The video link doesn't work for me anymore, and the link to the root directory does not show the video in there anymore.

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Ummm, the movie no longer exists. What's the deal Brett?

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That was quite rude of me to say that too. I took the video off totally forgeting that I had it posted here. Wow do I ever feel stupid :blush

Anyway, it's back up and should be running

Brett Alton in Growing Up

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