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A Thoughtful Gorilla

Gorilla Hands

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I suppose I should post my thinking on all the uproar and current tumult. Believe me, beyond this chaos there is a golden plateau worth ascending to. I have been training my grip in the most serious of fashions for some 16 years. The best feeling I ever get is when my grip strength proves usefully functional in crux-life dilemas. Certification is and was grand, but does not compare in the high. This having been said..............

About Strossen and midstream fishing: His company and his choices. He seems to not be influenced by the dissatified as of yet. Given that.....I have no issues. I was ready to certify recently, and was arranging to do so. I cannot close the No. 4 without a 1 1/4-1 1/2" set. His rule change has ended that current goal. I by all means believe that with time I can accomplish a full range close. Believe you me, I am not the least bit phased by the change. Why you ask? Why not angered or upset you say? Basically for a few reasons: (1) I am a positive fellow. The bar has been raised. I can choose to jump it or move on. I have choices (Isn't that marvelous). (2) I've been closing the #4 in so many different ways for a while now my head is spinning. Not consistent, but none the less satisfyingly. My hands are worn, tired, hurt, and not all they can be. Whoa, but I can toy around the No. 4 right? Yeah...but I do not feel or produce as strong as when used big blocks or the grip machine (etc. for the various pleasures). Truth be told, I am tired of the grippers and this is good enough for me to move on to other stuff. Brookfield knows something I know too. No...I've never talked to him...I just figured this out a long time ago. I now seek "King of most trades" & "Master of just one". How nice is that. I can no-set the #3 most days and occasionally a hard one. Very occasionally a really mean one. Thus admittedly I live well with the change. (3) I coined many phrases that I feel honored are now accepted terminology. "The Sweep" gosh I love it! Don't you. I coined it....and am still so damn good at it. No ego guys so don't get upset. I can now go back to that and live happy with it. I've wanted to focus on that again, and now have the best reason too.

I have more reasons; E-mail me if you want more. I would write them up now, but I risk Tom of Iowa disease doing that (not flaming you Tom....gotta love you, don't ever go away). Guys, YOU GOT CHOICES!!!!!. Ironmind, MM, Tetting, pick the rules you like, and by all blessed beauty, go with it. No anger....just be the best damn hands you can be. I got so much more to do, but have been fiddling too much with a spring some call too weak, too strong, impossible, venerable, do-able, just right, the shit, variable, and so on. "NUFF" of that! I once did 265 on the old RT. I felt tremendous then. For me, I want that back. Pick with my blessing what you want, but just be positive and don't whine. Leave that for the complainers. Be a doer and just do!

What does all this masturbatory rambling mean..........? I'm done with the #4 chase. Believe me I've been closing it and didn't feel stronger than when I was doing other endeavors. I now will chase the likes of Wade & Thick-bar Daddy Steve. I have more to give, and now is a supreme time. Best of luck to all of you good people. I'll see you on the other side of failure. It's called Accomplishment!

The best damndest regards,


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Dave great post. It flies in the face of others burning alll there ironmind toys and bycotting the company. Guys like You, heath, Pat, Bert S., Wood, Smitty and a few others seem to get it. Good luck on your future goals!


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I have to say , that was one of the best damn posts I have seen on here. It will be printed and put in my basement gym (so I can read it when I need to get back on track). David good luck with what ever you choose to do. :rock Mike

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How refreshing. :cool

I too have had some enlightenment this past weekend.


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Friends, just look forward to many new, fun, and impresive things from me. Stuff that will subdue #4 chatter. Like 3 (35's) kind of stuff....wow Wade.....you have my best appreciation. As for Davomasher, Tommymonster, Patminator, Rick Gripstalker, Clay "Has an" Edgin, and such.......my highest blessings and regards. The best of luck in the future to all of you. Vigeants: Are you real?......maybe I can step on you...but, I bet you won't die. I like little guys...they make great shot glasses!

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Very nice post David, it gave a really possitive outlook on this situation. Again very respectable post. :rock

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Well said Dave, needless to say, there is much more to the grip world that grippers. I look forward to hearing about your future accomplishments, whatever they may be.

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As other's have said excellent post, maybe you could come up with some cool lingo innolving thick bar like some term for the distance between your fingers and thumb on a given bar?


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Well said Dave! I agree completely. I was initially angered by the IM rule because I was so close to certifying but now see it as a challenge rather than a slap in the face. It's not one that I'm going to chase after, mind you, but I can see the challenge for what it is.

Those who know you know that although you've been training for 16 years you have only scratched the surface of your potential. I for one can't wait to see what feats you turn out next!

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WOW is all I have to say to that dissertation, abbreviated as it may be. I love the way Dave, you are able to articulate how I think! You are one talented man. Don't ever leave us ! That's my 2...


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I like the fact that he completely OMITTED mention of "the great and mighty" Sybersnott!! :angry:

My fame is slowly going down the dumper!! :(:cry

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David, I always knew you were philosophical but.....I'm going to consider your post to be the first doctoral dissertation in this very specialized field. Please consider that by the powers vested in me, I know grant you the honorary degree of Doctor of Grippology. You can now rightfully put D.G. after your name. I will present you with your official diploma the next time I see you. :bow Are we going to see you at the Strongman in Pacifica this weekend with Clay et al? :cool Shannon Hartnett is going to judge the women and Jon Anderson the men.

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Whoops! Spelling correction to my above post. I think I know the difference between now and know. Please apply where necessary. Sometimes my keyboard has a mind of its own--the dumb thing--it types what I type rather than what I'm thinking. Oh well. :blush


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Gorilla D. G. thank you for a postive and thoughtful post. very inspiring........may the LEGEND live on.............OUT.

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