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Clarification Of A Mm Rule

Bill Piche

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A member just PM'd me who was signed up to do the MMG2. He's bowing out because he said Rob W did more than 3 attempts. :blink

The 3 attempt rule was put in to prevent someone taking ALL day with the gripper and trying attempts over HOURS of time. Three was ARBITRARY when chosen. I guess I need to clarify that rule and have done so going forward. This rule change effects no one either in the past or going forward but clarifies things.

"ONLY 3 attempts are allowed and must ALL be performed within 15 minutes of the first attempt. It is considered an attempt when the gripper is set and an attempt to close is made. If the hand does not come off the gripper and the other hand is not used to reset the gripper it only counts as one attempt. If the candidate is strong enough to rep it, more power to them!

The bold I added.

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That rule doesn't really need clarification!

But I would also wait a bit with certifying on the MM 2 now if I was "just" able to close it.

After Robs domination of it it will be very hard for the people after him not to look a bit wimpy in comparison :bow


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People should quit being babies about everything lately. first Harlan and now this. Ironminnd has made some really stupid choices about their certification process, but lets not let that seep over into the MM process. Rob nailed it on his first attempt; who cares if he squeezes a few times after that. I don't see how this affects this other person's certification. If the individual in question is upset or wants to accuse Rob of breaking the rules then he should come out and say it. I personally found nothing wrong with how he certified.

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I don't know why Rob's success would stop another's certification. Seriously it time to put up or shut up with the MM stuff. Rules are in place, take your attempt. If you shut it great if not no big deal.

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Rob did nothing wrong, in my opinion. I wish the person that bowed out would reconsider after this rule clarification.


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Rob did nothing wrong, in my opinion. I wish the person that bowed out would reconsider after this rule clarification.


Me too. Maybe they will after I clarified what the rule was really intended for. :rock

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I can understand an objection being made if someone believed the rules were not being followed, but why on earth would anyone make it the reason for dropping out of their own planned certification?

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Hey everyone it's me! For the record I told Bill I didn't think Rob's certification shouldn't count, it was a solid close. I also told him this was not my only reason for bowing out, but one of many.

I sent him a follow up PM for clarification, but that one didn't get mentioned. At some point there was discussion of the the 3 attempt rule to save wear and tear on the gripper as a secondary reason. My other reason was that I am getting fed up with all of the nitpicking of every little thing and the Ironmind bashing. I actually read a post where someone was accused of being untruthful about their handsize and have heard conspiracy theories that rivalled Area 51 for the rule change at Ironmind. Things like this are not the reason I started coming to this board.

More often than not I end up in a bad mood when I read the board now, so I decided I just wouldn't read it for a while, which meant I wouldn't know when my turn came up for the MM2. So I figured it was more respectful to Bill to tell him what I was doing and why than to just quit coming by and answering e-mails.

Again, I was not trying to take anything away from Rob's close, it was legit.

Kurtis Bowler

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Kurtis, thanks for responding it seems fair that people know why one would want to be removed. After reading your post it does make some sense there has been a lot of negativity latley. Hopefully in the next week we will all focus on the gripping again. Hopefully you decide to try the MM2 at some point. I think you're good for it, and I want to see as many people close the MM2 as possible.

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I had the oppurtunity to Hang out with Kurtis recentely and just wanted to say that he is the real deal. I saw him attempt the toughest silver elite I have seen to uner 1/4" cold and I know he has been closer then that. Kurtis I look forward to meeting up with you again and this time we will have to get some training in.


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I don't think that what Rob did is going to adversly affect the integrity of the gripper - however, if there are "rules" in effect to prevent wear and tear they should be followed.

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It didn't get mentioned because I don't like making posts for people. I'm glad you posted though Kurtis to clarify things. :)

The rule was not put in for gripper wear and tear which I also told Kurtis in my PM followup he did not mention. The number 3 was arbitrarily chosen as well. The number could have been 4, 5, or whatever.

I nice side effect of the rule, yes, to prevent wear and tear.

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People should quit being babies about everything lately. first Harlan and now this. Ironminnd has made some really stupid choices about their certification process, but lets not let that seep over into the MM process.  Rob nailed it on his first attempt; who cares if he squeezes a few times after that.  I don't see how this affects this other person's certification.  If the individual in question is upset or wants to accuse Rob of breaking the rules then he should come out and say it.  I personally found nothing wrong with how he certified.

Yeah baby!! Get fired up and riled if you get pissed off by posts. Use it to get ready to kick butt in the gym. Let's ROCK!! :mosher

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