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Which Gripper Should Average Guy Aspire To Close?


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I was just wondering what would be the goal for an average guy when it comes to closing a gripper. I have small hands and I'm very close to closing the coc2. Do you think closing the coc3 is something everyone should aspire to??(forget the new rules for certification)Is it a realistic goal for everyone who picks up the grippers?

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I was just wondering what would be the goal for an average guy when it comes to closing a gripper.

Most strong guys who don't grip train can't close a #2. So that's what I'd say.

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Go as far as you can. Make small goals along the way. Aim for the SM in the next year. Then maybe the #3 the year after? I think you can reach your goals, with proper training.

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i'll say the elite b/c that along with the #3 is my goal.

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If, using statistical data, we look at what the average man is supposidly capable of, then you are already futher along that most.

For the average untrained individual a trainer or gripper requiring 100 lbs of pressure would suffice. I base it upon 1) most shop brought grippers rate between 30-70 pounds and 2) grip tests normally show a high average of about 45 kilos / 99 pounds 3) the sheer number of lower strength grippers brought against the higher ones - example although I am no longer involved with them a quick look at the hand gripper site has a much bigger range of deals for all the grippers up to 180ip, a smaller amount to 210-260 and almost none at all for the 300+ Dan is nothing if he isn't a business man and I am aware of similar sales being made by all the companies.

As to the question - what can most achieve - new rule or no new rule? I'd hazard a guess of about 260 ip / lbs. Why that figure? Because although this site, with it's advice and KTA program has produced a relatively high proportion of the most recent CoC (possibly most using a 'set' - although that remains to be seen) it cannot give one the worth ethic and desire required to step outside the normal range (as per another post - 'most here don't now what hard training is!').

I suggest that most therefore will not attain the strength, tenacity and sheer grit to kick the CoC 3's ass!

But, just to make you feel good - I remind you - you are already further along than most.

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Try the KTA program and you wouldnot be sorry.

It will get you to you goal gripper fast and my witrhin two and half month for #2 and two and half months for #3 and two and half months for #4.

This possible if training with KTA.

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