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David horne - question on jason

Bill Piche

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How old was Jason when he first closed an IM gripper (any model)?  I figured he might be the youngest to close any IM gripper.

Anyone know the youngest to ever close one?

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I only got the #1, #2 and #3 in January of this year. Jason closed the #1 straight away, and then closed the #2 later in the year. This he's repping with now, and on the way to closing the #3 in the next year. He was very impressed with Mike's performance. I haven't got a Trainer gripper. My youngest son Alex, who has just turned 10 has worked his way through many of my grippers, and is now working on ones that are possibly as hard as a trainer. I may buy a trainer and we will see.


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I was asking because my son Ryan who is 10 is about 1/4 inch or so away from closing the Trainer I have. :)

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  • 1 year later...


Hows Ryan doin on the grippers,is he useing the KTA program!!!

Anyone no who is the youngest to close an Ironmind gripper :D

If Olly Horne keeps up his progress,he could well become the youngest coc :rock

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This is what it is all about gentlemen-

My step-son takes his shot at my old filed #2 tonight after 6 days on and 1 rest day of KTA.

Rick Walker :rock

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Grip masters of the future in the making. There sure are some cool Dads on this board. I applaud you guys. :bow

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Dave.. How old is your son again..not the 10 year old..The one that closes the # 1.

I am gonna start my daugther on the grippers when she turns 4.

I would start her now but she is only 7 months old and cannot set the grippers yet. :D

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My little brother who is 11 years old could close the T, first try after I chalked his hand and showed him how to set it. I was impressed, so was he.

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I decided awhile back that Ryan is too young yet to be doing full blown grip work with a specific goal. He has a lot of time. He still messes a bit with the trainer once a week.

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Good question Bill.

Well Jason was closing the #3 all the time, I cerified him, or I thought I had. Anyway, no big problem Randy wanted him certified by someone else, understandable I suppose. As I said no big problem, so we went to see Jamie Reeves brother Jockie. Jason must have got my #3 and Jockies #3 to a mm or two so many times, but no go. Well, Jason has had another go since in Sweden at their grip comp via Randy's suggestion, but with all that had happened prior, he had done no training, and just couldn't close it. He's not very bothered about the whole thing, you know what 17 year old lads are like.

He's just told me he's closed it, and it doesn't mean anything really. But the #4 does he says.


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I don't understand. Joe Kinney's wife was able to witness his #4 closure for certification, and you can't witness Jason's #3? I'm confused.

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I don't understand. Joe Kinney's wife was able to witness his #4 closure for certification, and you can't witness Jason's #3? I'm confused.

Oh oh. Not the Kinney thread starting again! :(:erm

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Things have changed now.

It doesn't really matter Jason will do it in his own time. Maybe Oliver (my middle son) will even get certified before, as he is closing in on the #3. But after all is said and done, it's only fun!


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David, you are correct. It IS only for fun! I get a lot of satisfaction out of my grip training. It can actually be quite consuming at times!

Wannagrip, I wasn't attempting to bring up the controversial "Kinney" thread again. ;) I was simply using it as an example of how the certification process used to be. I guess my next question would be is who's eligible to certify me here in Utah? After all, I am the ONLY grip enthusiast in this state!

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I suppose it will be whoever Randy lines up for you, maybe it will be in another state. So far Jason's travelled to Sheffield and Sweden (although he was going anyway) and still not certified!

Anyway, good luck with your certification,


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