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My Cannon PowerWorks Haul!


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Just got this haul in today! So about 2 weeks ago I received my first pre-rated grippers from CPW, and I was very pleased and really liked the concept of knowing exactly how strong they are.

I thought it seemed great for tracking my progress, as well as knowing where all I had significant gaps between grippers. I also had noticed how much easier some copies of the same gripper were than others, so of course I learned about RGC and started reading up on it. (I know, I’m a newb. lol) 

Now, I believe one of the strangest oddities here is likely to be my 106 HG250. That’s fairly weak for this model I believe. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. lol

It was when I was training to bridge the gap between my COC #2 (105) and #2.5 (117), when I had finally closed one but not the other, that I bought some grippers that would usually land well in between them just to find out that that isn’t always going to work out exactly the way you think. haha 


And little did I know at the time that even my #2.5 was fairly weak! Until I had purchased someone else’s off ebay (123) and noticed a difference. It’s safe to say now that I can close a middle-of-the-road #2.5 and very nearly close my strongest one (128,) but now looking back it’s funny to see how it is difficult to even consider that original close as being a #2.5 at all, being just 117. lol 

All of this variation in resistance can be confusing, but it also allows for bridging small gaps which I like, and the hunt is rather enjoyable to be honest. lol


The behemoth of the order is a bit of an odd one out. When packing up my grippers I was trying to make sure I included every one that could be useful someday in the future. Then I recalled how I had some laying around that were too tough for me back when I ordered one of those sets on Amazon in January that come in 50lb increments as my very original grippers before I even knew COC, and I was curious to see how they would rate. So I grabbed the toughest ones (250-350) and they came out as 112, 149, and 187.

When I ordered these I knew nothing at all about grippers. And I sure didn’t know that the strongest ones would be THAT tough! I remember being caught off guard, as I thought I was ordering something exclusively for casuals. lol But I think having those heavy ones, as well as working my way up slowly through the set are what got me hooked eventually! I trained on and off, but really got passionate with COC. Anyway, this here is my very first gripper I closed. It might not hold any real significance, but to me it will forever be my first! haha It looks so nice still because I had padded handles when I first started, so I never really roughed it up at all. I kinda wish I had kept those on just this one because they had some real history to them! Holes and all. 

On top of my CPW order, I also got these secondhand. I wanted some easier rated ones that I could use as a way to more easily share this collection with family and friends in a way they can easily understand! So when they attempt to close these they should have a clearer picture of what the ratings mean.  

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54 minutes ago, IzzyGrasp said:

Now, I believe one of the strangest oddities here is likely to be my 106 HG250. That’s fairly weak for this model I believe. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. lol

These rate between 105 and 125 with a 115 average according to matt's rating data at https://cannonpowerworks.com/pages/grip-strength-ratings-data .

I sent my HG250 in earlier this year that I had bought back in 2007 and it came back rated 96. It was significantly more narrow than the other HG's in the set I bought. and I probably closed it 100 times or so over the years.

Before I knew about rgc ratings, I was tricked by manufacturer ratings to think a coc2.5 was good to bridge the gap to my HG300. I was wrong and shortly after that, I found CPW and sent everything I had to be rated. Definitely a good investment.

Nice collection by the way!

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I just ordered myself a GG6 rated 171.  A haul of 1!  lol.  Enjoy.

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15 minutes ago, Vinnie said:

I just ordered myself a GG6 rated 171.  A haul of 1!  lol.  Enjoy.

The GG6 sounds like a really tough one! I love the look of theirs to be honest, with the varied colors and nice shine. Is that within your closable range or are you working up to it? 

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7 minutes ago, IzzyGrasp said:

The GG6 sounds like a really tough one! I love the look of theirs to be honest, with the varied colors and nice shine. Is that within your closable range or are you working up to it? 

Not sure yet.  My best close on a COC gripper was a light 3.5 rated 165 (from parallel), and my highest RGC close ever was on a Tetting rated 170, with a 20mm block set (at a competition last month).  I usually find Tettings easier than COC, when rated the same, and I doubt I could close a COC rated 170.  I am thinking that because I also tend to find Grip Genies easier than COC, I may be able to do the 171 from a parallel or 20mm block set.  So I chose the 171 from Matt's list precisely because it is rated 1 pound higher than my personal best.  I suppose I will find out this weekend whether I can close it!  If I can, I will order a slightly harder one as my next goal.  I am essentially trying to trick myself into thinking I can close grippers over 170.  It's a shameless psychological ploy I have used against myself before, to get into the 150s, and then to get into the 160s -- I get a hold of a brand I think of as easier and get a good close on a gripper higher than I have done with COC, and a few weeks later I get the COC as well.  It seems to work.  I'm so gullible!

Edited by Vinnie
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34 minutes ago, Charles Jones said:

These rate between 105 and 125 with a 115 average according to matt's rating data at https://cannonpowerworks.com/pages/grip-strength-ratings-data .

I sent my HG250 in earlier this year that I had bought back in 2007 and it came back rated 96. It was significantly more narrow than the other HG's in the set I bought. and I probably closed it 100 times or so over the years.

Before I knew about rgc ratings, I was tricked by manufacturer ratings to think a coc2.5 was good to bridge the gap to my HG300. I was wrong and shortly after that, I found CPW and sent everything I had to be rated. Definitely a good investment.

Nice collection by the way!

Haha So we’ve both got a very weak HG250.
Yeah, those manufacturer ratings are really confusing! They must all be rating their grippers in slightly different ways. I’ve noticed the RGC ratings ranging from about 40-60% of the manufacturer’s numbers, which is very significant. Do you have topics on here showing your grippers? I’d certainly take a look! 

Thanks, I appreciate it! 

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7 minutes ago, IzzyGrasp said:

Haha So we’ve both got a very weak HG250.
Yeah, those manufacturer ratings are really confusing! They must all be rating their grippers in slightly different ways. I’ve noticed the RGC ratings ranging from about 40-60% of the manufacturer’s numbers, which is very significant. Do you have topics on here showing your grippers? I’d certainly take a look! 

Thanks, I appreciate it! 

This is all of them. I posted this someplace before, but can't remember where.

Front is standard, ghp, Robert Barabon, and 2 choked coc. Middle row is all coc, and back row is grip genie and HG 250-350 with an unrated hg100. 118 Is the highest rated gripper I've closed and that was from just wider than parallel.


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IZZYGRASP AND Charles Jones 

You both have a nice looking gripper collection. I do have a heavy grip 250 that is weak. I rated it at 112. 




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12 hours ago, Vinnie said:

Not sure yet.  My best close on a COC gripper was a light 3.5 rated 165 (from parallel), and my highest RGC close ever was on a Tetting rated 170, with a 20mm block set (at a competition last month).  I usually find Tettings easier than COC, when rated the same, and I doubt I could close a COC rated 170.  I am thinking that because I also tend to find Grip Genies easier than COC, I may be able to do the 171 from a parallel or 20mm block set.  So I chose the 171 from Matt's list precisely because it is rated 1 pound higher than my personal best.  I suppose I will find out this weekend whether I can close it!  If I can, I will order a slightly harder one as my next goal.  I am essentially trying to trick myself into thinking I can close grippers over 170.  It's a shameless psychological ploy I have used against myself before, to get into the 150s, and then to get into the 160s -- I get a hold of a brand I think of as easier and get a good close on a gripper higher than I have done with COC, and a few weeks later I get the COC as well.  It seems to work.  I'm so gullible!

That’s awesome! Even being able to have a shot at a 170 is an amazing achievement!

I totally get how confidence can be key, even if you have to use mind tricks. lol It’s easy to lose confidence if you keep trying but failing at a thing, so whatever it takes to regain that determination helps. 

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12 hours ago, Charles Jones said:

This is all of them. I posted this someplace before, but can't remember where.

Front is standard, ghp, Robert Barabon, and 2 choked coc. Middle row is all coc, and back row is grip genie and HG 250-350 with an unrated hg100. 118 Is the highest rated gripper I've closed and that was from just wider than parallel.


Okay, so we must be working in a similar range then! 

I love the looks of that collection, that’s awesome! What are the racks you have them on? I haven’t come up with a sophisticated solution for easy access to 40+ grippers, so I have a cardboard box on a shelf with a weight inside to stabilize, and they’re just hanging over the edges. haha 

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9 hours ago, John Knowlton said:

IZZYGRASP AND Charles Jones 

You both have a nice looking gripper collection. I do have a heavy grip 250 that is weak. I rated it at 112. 





So we’ve all got at least slightly weaker than average HG250’s.. So where are the people with the toughest ones? lol 


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7 hours ago, Jared P said:

Awesome collection, and look forward to hearing more of your progress!

Thank you very much! I’m also excited to see how my progress goes from here. I’ll be sure to post updates later. 

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14 hours ago, Charles Jones said:

This is all of them. I posted this someplace before, but can't remember where.

Front is standard, ghp, Robert Barabon, and 2 choked coc. Middle row is all coc, and back row is grip genie and HG 250-350 with an unrated hg100. 118 Is the highest rated gripper I've closed and that was from just wider than parallel.


Nice racks!  I have one of them but my other one is the ugly Iron Mind one.

Also, I see you're in Lakeland.  my Dad lives in Lakeland.  He's a retired NY civil servant (33 years as a high school teacher) who moved there in 1997, then worked a FL civil service job (DMV clerk) for 20 more years and retired again from there a few years ago!  Two pensions, one good life -- never made six figures, but his house looks like he's rich and he travels a lot.  He did it all just right.  I go down with my son like once a year.  Nice area.

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24 minutes ago, Vinnie said:

Nice racks!  I have one of them but my other one is the ugly Iron Mind one.

Also, I see you're in Lakeland.  my Dad lives in Lakeland.  He's a retired NY civil servant (33 years as a high school teacher) who moved there in 1997, then worked a FL civil service job (DMV clerk) for 20 more years and retired again from there a few years ago!  Two pensions, one good life -- never made six figures, but his house looks like he's rich and he travels a lot.  He did it all just right.  I go down with my son like once a year.  Nice area.

My uncles in Lakeland too i believe.   Ive never taken a lot of time off but i might take 2 weeks, spend 1 with him and 1 with my cousin stationed in Pensacola.

Pops sounds like a smart man...Ive seen both sides and there is something to be said for the slow and steady jobs like that.  


Anyways, what a haul from Cannon Powerworks. Nice collection you got yourself and @Charles Jones yours is awesome too.


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3 hours ago, IzzyGrasp said:

Okay, so we must be working in a similar range then! 

I love the looks of that collection, that’s awesome! What are the racks you have them on? I haven’t come up with a sophisticated solution for easy access to 40+ grippers, so I have a cardboard box on a shelf with a weight inside to stabilize, and they’re just hanging over the edges. haha 

I got the stands from CPW. They were a limited run and looks like he is out of them now. i have some of the old IM metal stands to, but i don't use them anymore.

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So, that's who bought the RGC 117!!! jk jk 😂  Congrats dude. Be careful, CPW's grippers are like crack...very addicting. 🤣

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1 hour ago, Vinnie said:

Nice racks!  I have one of them but my other one is the ugly Iron Mind one.

Also, I see you're in Lakeland.  my Dad lives in Lakeland.  He's a retired NY civil servant (33 years as a high school teacher) who moved there in 1997, then worked a FL civil service job (DMV clerk) for 20 more years and retired again from there a few years ago!  Two pensions, one good life -- never made six figures, but his house looks like he's rich and he travels a lot.  He did it all just right.  I go down with my son like once a year.  Nice area.

I have some ugly IM racks too. The CPW ones are much nicer.

I been in Lakeland for about 13 years. I grew up in winter haven and Eagle Lake, both close to Lakeland. I'm currently unemployed but i worked as a Meat Cutter at Publix Super Markets for 17 years in Auburndale, Bartow, Winter Haven, Davenport, and Lakeland . I took some time off and I'm looking to get back with Publix. Somebody i worked with not too long ago has a spot for me lined up. I'm going to talk to some of the other managers up there today.

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33 minutes ago, Charles Jones said:

I got the stands from CPW. They were a limited run and looks like he is out of them now.

Yeah, these were U channel welded to two bent pieces of metal which were essentially two bent "red nails" for the legs. Then a simple hardwood beam in the U channel. This project was a bear LOL. I love metal-working (but outsourced the welding) and did the woodworking myself. It should have been fun, but somehow these added up to a major pain. I love how they turned out though. There was walnut, cherry and mahogany. 

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49 minutes ago, Harrison said:

So, that's who bought the RGC 117!!! jk jk 😂  Congrats dude. Be careful, CPW's grippers are like crack...very addicting. 🤣

Haha the #2.5’s I bought from them were 126 and 128 I believe. The 117 was my original unrated one. lol 

The range I’m struggling to fill out perfectly is 92-103 right now. I did grab a 95 grip genie that hasn’t arrived yet though. But yeah, you’re definitely right. It’s addicting! LOL

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YES Grippers are very addicting. CPW is the best crack dealer. 

Hey Charles , good luck with the job 

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1 hour ago, IzzyGrasp said:

The range I’m struggling to fill out perfectly is 92-103 right now.

We are purposefully making the next batch of Gold high-90s instead of low 90s so that is something to look forward to :) 

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12 minutes ago, Cannon said:

We are purposefully making the next batch of Gold high-90s instead of low 90s so that is something to look forward to :) 

Sweet! I’m planning on buying some as soon as they’re available! :) 

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33 minutes ago, Cannon said:

We are purposefully making the next batch of Gold high-90s instead of low 90s so that is something to look forward to :) 

It would be  nice to have also Standards in the 115-130 range, maybe 125 average, same as #2.5 :) Let's be honest, Standards are better grippers than CoC's.

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