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Lucas Raymond - Level 2

Bill Piche

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The GripBoard Proudly Certifies:

Lucas Raymond


GripBoard Mash Monster Level 2

This certification is granted by The GripBoard as an independent third party with no ethical or commercial conflict of interest.

The Mash Monster Gripper is one of a limited number supplied and controlled by The GripBoard.

The gripper is closed with one hand under strict and uniformly ethical and authenticated conditions.

This momentous feat was demonstrated on video to assure it will be valid for posterity.



Name: Lucas Raymond
Age: 38
Height: 6ft
Weight: 198lbs
Date of Feat: 3/15/2023
How Long Grip Training: 10 years
Current Grip Training Program: 5x per month max
Other Training Info:  Minimal


Could you tell us a little about your background in lifting?
15 years general lifting (2007), 10 years grip training (2013)


How did you get into grip training?
Jedd Johnson


You are now a GripBoard Mash Monster, what would you recommend to those aspiring to close this gripper?

What does your current grip routine look like?
Minimal training overall ~5 training sessions a month. 


How has your grip routine changed since you first started training your grip?

Significantly decreased training volume with other life priorities but able to maintain a fairly high level with small amounts to keep the motor patterns for grip lifts. 


There seems to be a significant variation in the frequency of grip workouts among trainees. Have you experimented with workout frequency and its effect on your training?

In the past yes but too many outside factors come into play for most people (sleep, hydration, work schedule, etc) to really tell. 


What are your favorite grip exercises?
One hand pinch, blob/block weights, vbar lifts


What do you believe is the most difficult grip exercise?
Tips tester style movements (high risk of pulley injury)

What are some of your personal bests in grip exercises?

Gripper 20mm Block 170.8 RGC COC 3.5
1HP 2x25kg + 10 lbs
Flask 1H 126lbs
Rogue Anvil 281lbs
2x50 Pancake Plate Pinch
1x100 Pancake Plate Pinch + 5lbs


What do you believe is the most common mistake made by new grip trainees?


What do you consider to be the greatest grip feats of all time?
Sam Solomi 2x20kg Plate Pinch Clean


Do you have any parting advice for readers?
Squeeze harder




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Lucas Raymond, the 67th man in the world to close the Mash Monster Gripper - Level 2



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