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Meeting Mary Mcconnaughey At The Gnc


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I wore the CoC t-shirt to the GNC Show of Strength on Saturday, and it paid off. I happened to get stopped by someone who said something about the shirt and asked me who I was and what gripper I have closed. I told her who I was and asked her who she was.

Why, it was none other than legendary armwrestling champ Mary McConnaughey!! :bow:D:bow

For those of you that don't know Mary, she is one of the few females that can close the #2 gripper! So we talked a bit about females and who can close the #2 and probably the #3. She told me of a tall Russian woman who's name escaped her that she said she knew that if she gave a #2 gripper to her she could close it quite easily. :ohmy:bow

I then asked her if she thought that the #3 could be closed by a female. She said yes it can, and she gave me a name that I knew immediately. She said that she thought that if powerlifting champ Becca Swanson trained for it, she could do it. :yikes Only one problem: Becca isn't interested, and wouldn't put the training in for it. I told her that if Becca did, it would increase her status in the strength world.

All in all, I'm glad I got to meet her and have a chat. I also got a pic with her.

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Ive corresponded with Mary a couple of times and she is very nice. Also an incredible strength athelete. Would be fun to arm wrestle her what do you guys think :laugh AS

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I think I will skip aremwrestling her to keep my pride intact.

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I agree with Matt and Hammerhead. Mentally I couldnt handle getting beat, and physically I couldnt handle having my arm broken. :dry Mike

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Mary is one of the nicest people I have ever met. She also happens to be one of the strongest. At the Super Grip Challenge this year she absolutely MASHED the #1 with left and then right hands. She's very modest which is quite refreshing, you'll never hear her tell you how strong she is...or was. Another great thing is that she's quick to try to help others who are less fortunate (in the strength department) than she is. I wish she posted here, she'd had a blast.

Ben Edwards

As a side note, Mary pulled just 5 pounds under the women's world record on the Rolling Thunder, and looked like she could have pulled 10-15 more! That was of course after the grippers and other miscellaneous lifting. Quite impressive. Maybe I should send in the pictures to be posted.

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Hey Snott I looked for you at the NASS booth but didn't see you. I saw the grippers and a rolling thunder there loaded to 90 pounds, but they didn't seem to draw a lot of attention. There was an inch replica at another booth and I gave it a go but it didn't cooperate.

It was an amazing show for strength fans, wasn't it? Gary Frank and Brent Mikesell each squatted over 1100 today. Andy Bolton almost pulled 935. The strongman contest was great. I believe Pudzianowski won. Man that guy is huge! I didn't catch the bodybuilding show except for a few minutes of prejudging and it looked like Gunter and Jay Cutler were the top 2. All the action was going on in the same room, a lot of it at the same time... amazing!

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Oh yeah another thing for the strongman enthusiasts out there -- watch out for Don Pope from Ohio. I'd never seen the guy before but he showed a lot of potential... if he keeps at it I predict he will be the top American before too long.

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