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How To Strengthen Elbow?


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My left elbow is much weaker than my right. It is so bad that when I tried to do DB tricep extension my elbow immediately flared up in pain. Ever since the strain of trying the extensions I haven't been able to do gripper work with my left hand. This has to stop. Does anyone know some rehab/strengthening exercises for bombproof elbows?

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Guest Harlan Jacobs

Mine was hurtting alott also. I ended up tearing my tricep tendon. Might want to get it looked at,just to be safe. I AM THE VOICE OF EXPERIENCE !

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Update: Today I picked up my trainer and squeezed off a few reps pain free. I'm not going to try to close my #1 for a couple days more. Long term rehab: Go light on DB tri extensions (like 10 lbs). Sledgehammer GPP... (Hitting my 500 pounds tire with a hammer).

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DB tri extensions

Hey, if you're having trouble doing such a simple exercise with only 10 lbs, you better get your ass to the doctor.

-Napalm Jedd-

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DB tri extensions

Hey, if you're having trouble doing such a simple exercise with only 10 lbs, you better get your ass to the doctor.

-Napalm Jedd-

No... I injured myself using 25's... 10lbs is what I'm going to use to rehab my elbow. Work my way up slowly so it doens't happen again.

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tri ext rough on your elbows anyway. I'd eliminate them and do another tricep exercise. Like Narrow Grip Benches, or bench dips.

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I concur on the tricep extensions... a very silly exercise to be doing with such an incredibly high risk of damage to your elbows, lower tricep tendons, cartilege, etc.

Try some of the above mentioned exercises or simply perform slow parellel bar dips; watch yourself don't go too deep and maintain a good technique. Good luck.

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The way I see it... not being able to do them signifies a weakness in my elbow. So building them up slowly would be in my best interests. One day when I'm much stronger it'd be kind of embarrasing to be able to bench 300+ and not be able to do 25 pound DB Tricep extensions due to elbow weaknesses.

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Yes and no. Not being able to do a movement isn't necessarily a weakness. Everybody can't do every movement. Every body is different. For examp. some can do the splits, some can't. Some are good at benching, some aren't.

Tricep extensions are a very specific movement, if it hurts don't do it. Go back to it later. Do shit that doesn't hurt.


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Tricep extentions are hardly an example of strength or weaknesses. I'd be embarrased to admit to doing such an exercise. Sounds like something Richard Simmons would do with pink furry DB's. Why waste your time on isolation exercises anyway?

The way I see it, is you shouldn't be doing an exercise that caused you such pain anyway.

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Having said that, try massaging your arm. Not elbow, but your forearm and upper arm, especially the tricep. It's likely that you'll find a spot that causes a similar pain in your elbow. Massage it and apply heat.

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Guest Harlan Jacobs

I don't think Simmons could handel 75's . I for one like isolation movements. Even if you are just into powerlifting, you can improve on your week points by useing them.

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Richard Simmons?I do tricep extensions behind my head with a single dumbell.I have done them with a 180 for some decent reps and seen someone do them with a 210 pounder for reps.

Also double dumbells extension while lying down are beastly.You have a dumbell in each and and do a skull crusher type extensions.I've done 90's-one in each hand- and iv'e seen em done with 125's.This is another wicked exercise.

i like isolation exercises and would not feel embarassed to do them. and 'strong' bencher type guys(no offense Harlan :cool ) get buried by Sean and Josh on these...neither of them bench but can if they feel like it...different strokes for different folks.Both incline more than most people bench anyway....

instead of bench we use heavy dumbell benches and heavy dumbell inclines...takes far more 'strength'(wrist,forearm,balance,everything)to handle the heavy dumbells than it does a barbell.

Also there is an old dude in the gym that I've seen do skull crushers(a form of extensions) with 315...I don't think thats embarrassing either :yikes

Nothing wrong with having strong arms and triceps????I'd rather be as strong as possible on as many different types of exercise as i can.

none of us have ever had elbow pain that I am aware of...the old dudes shoulders are 'shot'..but thats from benching and squatting for 35 years.

Edited by Tom of Iowa2
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Try getting a set of cables. Th eonly way I could work my triceps for a long time was with Fabled Cables.

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If the dumbell extensions hurt your elbows, it's probably mild tendonitis. I've had the same problem. Just do a high rep, low weights set or two to warm your elbows up first.

-But go slow adding weight, it took me a few weeks to get up to get past the weight that you hurt yourself with.

The Tate preses that someone else suggested are another good tricep movement.

Tom of Iowa, you can do dumbell extensions with 90'2!? How much do you bench press?

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Tom of Iowa, you can do dumbell extensions with 90'2!? How much do you bench press?

I DON'T bench press.But I handle more weight on Dumbell flat presses(and every dumbell movement for that matter) than a friend of mine that can do a 'triple, touch and go' with 455 on the bench...does that mean I can bench that?Nope.

I look at bench press as an event -in a sport-called powerlifting.Great sport but I see no reason to do them as I'm not in the sport.YES, I'm regurgitating someone elses philosiphy...and I know his philosiphy is not gospel...but I like the dumbells anyway.

And there are 3 guys in the gym that incline over 405...as part of their workouts.And two guys handling the 200's(dumbells)and one doing pretty good reps with the 210's.

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