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Sybersnott Goes To City Hall!


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DISCLAIMER: The following is a true story that happened to the author. There was no video or pictures taken of this event, however mulitple witnesses were present. No world records were set or broken.


Today, I went to Atlanta City Hall today to drop off some materials that we picked up for a client the previous day. I noticed that something was going on in the large atrium located in the center of the building. Naturally being curious, I decided to investigate. After dropping off the materials, I went downstairs to the main floor and found out that it was a "health fair" - for city employees and vendors. With some time to kill, I wanted to look around.

I saw all sorts of booths - cancer prevention, early detection of breast cancer, info on sexual tranmitted diseases, etc. Then I saw a booth that caught my eye.

It had dumbbells on it, and I thought it had something to do with exercise... so I went over to have a look-see.

As I came up to the table, it had a sign on it that read: GRIP STRENGTH TEST


So NOW I'm very interested. The lady there running the booth explained it was a test of your grip strength. "Would you like to see what you can do?", she asked.

She told me to sign in, she then set up the hand dynamometer, and told me to give it a squeeze.


"OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!!", she said. She looked at it and then looked at me with a very puzzled look on her face!

She then told me that she had never seen anyone do that before. I told her who I was and that I'm really good at grip strength, and I told her about IronMind and the COC's. She showed the results to a few people and then told me what I did.

I had pinned a 205 on the meter. The next guy up had posted a 180 - he was a longtime City Of Atlanta construction worker. She asked me if I worked for the City Of Atlanta, and I told her no.

She told me that she had never had anyone who could post over 200. Most people had results of 40 - 50 - 60, etc.

She didn't even want to shake my hand goodbye for fear that I might hurt her, but I told her I don't go around crushing people's hands. I shook her hand, said goodbye and left.

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That's the ONE question I should of asked but didn't. I would know which dyno it was if I saw it again.

BTW, check your email....

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Guest Harlan Jacobs

I had a simalar thing happen. As you know I had surgery on my elbow. I had it done at the Indiana Hand Center. Last week while I was there, I picked up a Dyno and also pegged it out. The nurse and doctor also said they had never seen it done before.I am sure many here on the board could do this. Still pretty cool .

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cool story. I would like to try one of those now. I tried some sort of device like that about 12 years ago when a similar table was set up at our college. I can't remember for sure what the number was (I want to say about 180), but I do remember that they had a similar reaction and only one big guy on the college basketball team was even close. That was before I had ever heard of the grippers so it would be interesting to see how they have improved my grip on something like that device.

I really do wish you would have taken some video footage of the feat though... :laugh

Edited by rbrown
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I went to a natural health type/ chiro. doctor years back. They had me test my grip on the same type device, and when I felt it bottom out on both hands, i gave it back - they had no comment! It is a great feeling to be part of this exclusive group!

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Guest Harlan Jacobs

It may not be the same as the one I used.Not that mine was any harder or easier,but I didn't ever feel mine hit bottom or realy even move.

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It may not be the same as the one I used.Not that mine was any harder or easier,but I didn't ever feel mine hit bottom or realy even move.

You are right. Of the two that I own neither one moves at all. A coc #3 closer should be around a 200.

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are you aloud to set the dyno? cause i didn't and i got around 90, it only went to 100 but i know i could of got 100 if i set it, by the way it was in Kg

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Did you get any of the materials at the table? I am curious to know why they had the grip device there. I know there seems to be some correlation between health and grip strength.

-Napalm Jedd

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Snott thats hilarious how you always end up in situations where you get to suprise people with your grip strength. First the knife show and now this.

Good disclaimer by the way. :)

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strong man,

I would say that device Snot tested on measured in pounds. which would make sense seing that one kilo = 2.2 pounds your squeze would measure a 198 in pounds still pretty respectable. We have a kilo dynometer at the office and I have only seen a couple of people go over 90 kilos

By the way Snott, Great story


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If the Dyno you tried was like the one I had a go with at work then the person testing you can adjust the handle width for you before you give it a squeeze. I'm still a fair distance from maxing one...hopefully the next time I give it a try I can get closer to the 200lb mark.


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I know that some people use tests with their hands (number of taps in a given period, that sort of thing) to test to see how well recovered their CNS is.

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Guest gripmaster316

Snott I simply love your stories, this one fits the bill. Could job on the hand dyno!!! :rock

P.S I would track down that Atlanta city worker, and see what he can do with a gripper ;);)

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Exact same thing happened with me at the health fest put on by the college of health professions at school. The only difference is there was two girls that made a big deal about my hand strength, calling their friends over and stuff and they also had a device for measuring your pinch grip too. I scored high on that but apparently it wasn't as impressive as the dyno.

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Jedd, hand grip dynamometers are used in the in the exercise field as an indication of overall body strength. There is a correlation between grip strength and overall body strength. I don't think this is the case so much anymore. I think this was more of an accurate test when more people were manual laborers, and if you had a strong grip it usually meant you worked with your entire body. Chris Caffery

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That's a fun story Snott. Only 200? ;) BTW, how tall/heavy are you?

I'm going to see a doctor about my hand pretty soon and think I will try to crush their dyno as well...

The freakiest dyno squeeze I've seen in person was by Gorilla Hands. We're not positive what he did in San Diego because the dyno only went to 200 and he surpassed that, but we saw him crush 224lbs. That was cool.

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The last time I was at a health fair, the guy doing the grip testing was puzzled that my reading was nowhere to be found on his chart. I was disappointed that I didn't pin it shut but the reading was beyond the listing for 99-percent.

Snott had a keen story before the one about the knife show. Snott became a deity at a GNC store where a number 2 CoC was being used to test manliness.

My favorite hand dyno story was one where Richard Sorin squeezed one so hard and quick that the needle broke when it hit the stop post.

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I surfed the web all last night researching hand dynamometers, and the closest thing that looked like what I did was the Jamar dyno. I am now very interested in getting a good dynamometer maybe for Christmas and seeing what I am really capable of. I researched Jamar, Baseline and Smedley - plus one other that I forgot the name of.

I put the disclaimer up because I didn't want anyone to rag on me by telling the story. Actually, with the super tight security in the building, I doubt that they would of let me in even if I did have a camera and/or videocam. Explain what you're doing to some five dollar an hour rent-a-cop... think they'd understand???

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