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Got My Certificate From Ironmind...

Dan Cenidoza

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Way cool! Even though it was about 7 months after I first closed it and dated about 3.5 months after I certified, I'm really happy with this. This certificate means more to me than my highschool diploma, both associate degrees and honors society certificate all put together! I'd say I worked harder for this than all the others... they just took longer. ;)

On a side note, I'd like to say how disappointed I am with the school system and especially the arm chair theoreticians who teach my knesiology classes. < <

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received my package as well. Nice stuff. My certificate was also dated a few months after I closed. I guess they just date the certificate the date that they sign it.

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Congratulations ! :rock

I was also very exited when I received my certificate. :yikes

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What issue were you guys in? Im gonna be in the december issue, does that mean I should expect my package in june or july? Thanks and congrats guys! Austin Slater

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Congratulations! That is good news. I am expecting one in the future, too. Did you get your certificate before or after your appearance in the journal?


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Congrats on the certificate dan

just curious... i was considering persuing a KNES major, what in particular didnt you like about your KNES classes/teachers?


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What issue were you guys in? Im gonna be in the december issue, does that mean I should expect my package in june or july? Thanks and congrats guys! Austin Slater


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I don't have a subscription to (edited to save space) right now, but my understanding is that we will be in the December issue. I certified back in July I think.

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My Buddy, Matt, said that he got his package yesterday and we'll both be in the December issue. I haven't received my package thingy yet so I'm holding my breath until it arrives. My funeral will be this coming Monday.


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I'm also in December, just made it in time.

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Why the delay?

My thoughts are that the certificate is signed, dated and shipped out when it's official. Seems it's not official until it's in (edited to save space). The signature date and arrival date of mine correspond to about the time that 'my issue' went to press. Just a theory.

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oh if anybody cares the COC list of the #3's are going to be updated this week.

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yAAAAAAAAAAAA i just got my stuff to, well i know what shirt i'm wearin today

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Uh oh, it's ON now!

[rant] First of all Matt, there's too much damn emphasis on cardio. How freakin' difficult is it? Get your ass moving and get your heart rate up. About 80% of what I've been learning in my testing and prescription/practicum class is all geared towards common sense cardiovascular exercise. We must have learned a dozen different equations to determine an appropriate intensity level! They make rocket science out of common sense. I have yet to have a teacher that knows anything about strength training. In the wellness center, they have everyone do their strength training after 20-60 minutes of cardio! Whenever I question their methods, instead of thinking for themselves they refer back to the ACSM's guidelines. I HATE THE ACSM!!! A bunch of arm-chair theoreticians! It seems these people are incapable of thinking outside the box. Seriously, all you got to do is tell them what they want to hear [or recite the ACSM guidelines] and you get an "A". The other classes that aren't directly related to ACSM are a joke too. Motor learning? Did Hick's Law really need to be made into a "law". Basically, Hicks law says that the more options you have in making a decision the longer the reaction time will be. :mellow Thanks. Fitt's law states that there is a speed & accuracy trade off. The faster you have to do something, the less acurate you will be. :mellow Granted, motor learning has it's place but I've spent the last 3 months learning about theories that really are just common sense. They use big words and define terms just to have something to put in the book. College texts are not difficult to read, just difficult to understand because they put so much crap in the books that by the time your done reading a paragraph your like... :blink OK, what the hell was that supposed to mean? I've read, and am reading far more difficult books then what's in my textbooks, it's just the texts have redundant material and excessive jargon that bores the life out of me! I've found a much better way to keep up with what's going on is to just read the sidebars. You know, the key terms and definitions thats highlighted throughout the chapters. That and the summarys make much more sense. It pisses me off that they revise these books every other year, with the SAME material and make us pay an arm and a leg for a book we're just going to use for a couple months, then they put a bunch of junk in it to fill up the pages! :angry: I've realized the school system is a big money making scheme! Can you beleive they raised tuitions in the state of Maryland TWICE this year! :cry The first raise was like a 22% increase too! :erm You know what else I realized, you don't learn anything new in school. Everything is thought up by somebody else and taught to you, out of a book that you could read on your own, and learn, without ridiculous tuition costs! Arthur Jones didn't finish highschool. I'm not so sure he even made it to 9th grade. Yet he had original ideas, was probably the single most knowledgable man in the field of exercise science ever, and he made a fortune! Here it is 30 something years later and you know what my exercise physiology teacher (which happens to be the only class I've taken so far and learned worthwhile material) addressed in class? A certain cam made by Nautilus and how it provides equal resistance throughout the whole range of motion, though she had no idea who Jones was.

Maybe I'm being a little harsh on the system here, if so it's only a little because I'm NOT HAPPY about these tuition increases. I know you need to get an education, I know that degree makes a world of difference in what kind of job you're eligible for, I know without school there would be a bunch of idiots running around who can't think for themselves. However, I fear what we're producing is a bunch of idiots running around using big words who still can't think for themselves! Keep in mind I'm not speaking about other professions here, exercise science only. Maybe my feelings are a result of my own research and knowledge prior to "the system" that is like a backstep in the material I'm learning, which is in turn frustrating me. I don't know. I do know that the discussions I have here and on other forums far exceed the depth of which my professors are able of discussing intelligently without referring back to the ACSM. I usually just keep my mouth shut, do my work and get my "A". Soon enough I'll have my degree and the idiots will think I know what I'm talking about so they'll give me money to train them or come to my gym. Then it'll all be worth it. [/rant]

I feel much better now.

Anyway Matt, don't let my venting turn you off from whatever it is you want to do. Realize though that you don't actually need the degree to know what you're talking about and because you have the degree doesn't necessarily mean you do know what you're talking about. If you want a career in this field, you will need credentials though, but they can be earned in the competitive arena as well as a few other avenues, and actually, if you've got capital and are business minded you won't even need that. I got into knesiology because I wanted to learn more about exercise science, I'm still learning, but I'll take Dr. Ken's material over Dr. ACSM anyday of the week!

As a side note, I have done some cool things in school. Underwater weighing, case studies with interdisiplinary groups (nurses, OT's, PT's), published material and things like that. Exercise physiology was a cool class, challenging and interesting and I hear biomechanics and care and prevention of sports injuries is cool too.

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wow...good answer...your description is slightly different from the one offered in the majors catalogue :laugh

i won't let it deter me, it seems to me the big issue is that they are trying to take something that is an art (as explained in BrooksKubik-dinosaur training) and force it to be a science.

Thanks for your info/opinions

P.S. i heard the tuition of U of Maryland is projected to double in next 2-4 years


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Awesome t-shirt, kinda big for me but

oh well, nice hat also


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congrats Dan! I liked the part where it meant more to you than your hs diploma, associates degrees. etc.

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