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Gripper Training


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Entering my first PL meet (Jan 24th) which will be in Dubuque, IA (for those in the Iowa area), and I'm going to start implementing more barbell holds to make sure my grip doesn't fail on my deadlift vs. lower back and leg strength. Now, would it be beneficial to quit crushing, and concentrate on holds for now? Should I continue to crush, but will my hold training affect my crushing strength? All questions I know that have been asked and I believe I know the answers, but I'd just like some personal experience with training hold and crush at the same time.

Thanks :rock

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It all depends on how you work your hands. If you really hammer them, then you may want to back down on the grip workout's. I know in my own experience when I'm really pounding out grip workouts, regular lifting is effected. I remember doing pullups after I had done a big gripper workout and I felt that I had just done another grip wokout.

If your only doing a few sets and low reps, I wouldn't worry.


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One of the best things you can do to strenthen your hold grip, is to do reverse barbell curls with strict form. Buy some foam pipe insulation at a hardware store. ( $2-3) and use that to wrap around the bar to make it even more difficult to grasp. The thicker the better. I actually use two layers one foam,and one that is like neoprene. Focus on the forearms throughout the contraction and keep your wrists perfectly staight. This is where you'll feel the burn. Along with these, farmer walks will help build the endurance you want. Good luck.

ps you don't need to stop crushing either.

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I'd lay off the grippers for a week before your PL comp. You'd hate to drop a weight that you KNOW you could have pulled. Besides, you should come back after that week layoff stronger than ever. No harm done in staying away from the grippers unless you're schedule to certify or something.

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I like to use the grippers as a warmup when Im not hitting them hard to maintain strength. During your workout work up to a single with the gripper you can close. I will warm up to a 3 for a single and then hit other grip aspects, this seems to maintain grip strength and shouldnt have an effect on your deadlifts. I train my crush hard and my deadlifts hard with no problem. Good Luck-Austin Slater

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I train my crush hard and my deadlifts hard with no problem.

This has been my experience as well.

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I suppose it depends. If you think you are likely to drop a heavy deadlift then lighten (or de-emphasize) your crush workouts. If your "holding" strength is so far above what your back can pull then keep the crush workouts. Of course, if you feel drained mentally (or CNS) after the crush workouts you may want to de-emphasize them in any case as you ramp up for the meet.

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I wouldn't work deadlift the day after a tough gripper workout, and I would take a week off before the contest but other that you can still crush and do holds at the same time. I've had good results just working my alternating grip in the rack and holding for time. I switch hands (which one is palm up/palm down) also. You should be able to up your hold ability in a very short time!

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