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It's The Mooost Wonderful Tiiiime Of The Yeeear

Clay Edgin

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That's right - the new phone books are in so that means the old phonebooks have to find a new home. Hmm...I wonder where they'll go? Everyone in the office has given me their book and I'm expecting to get a half dozen more from different floors in this building. So far I've got 13 1 3/4" books to haul out of here, plus two 1 3/16" books that I already ripped this morning for fun.

I feel like a kid in a candy store. What a grip nerd I am.

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I thought I was nuts, but you take the cake.... uh, fruitcake that is!! :tongue;):laugh

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Dave, you should see me when I go into a supermarket now - the last thing I check for when we leave are the books. They always have a stack near the door that I can discretely put into my cart...of course, hiding them from my wife is difficult...

Sybersnott, I'd respond in more depth but I can't seem to find the icon with the smiley flipping you off! lol :) Seriously though, California is called the land of fruits and nuts for a reason. I prefer to think I'm more nutty than fruity. Actually, if I do say so myself, I'm nuttier than a squirrel turd!

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  • 11 months later...

hehehehehe, new books again!!! I am addicted to this stuff like crazy. The guy upstairs just brought down a half dozen books and after some great coaching by Porkbone via email, I managed to rip through a 1.75" book for a big PR.

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They'll probably be to easy for you Clay.I suggest you soak them in water first to make it more of a challenge hahaha.

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Call around to the local phone companies. At the end of the year, after the new ones come out, they toss out all the old ones. That would be a banaza find! Of course you might have to rent a U-Haul!

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Sybersnott, I'd respond in more depth but I can't seem to find the icon with the smiley flipping you off! lol :) 

This the sort of thing you're looking for, Clay? wave-finger.gif

EDIT: Well it works when I do it on other forums! :help:blush

Edited by twig
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I am a nurse. We replace the phone book in EVERY room in the hospital! I can tear a truckload!

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We need Clay to tape his version of the scene in The Jerk with Steve Martin happily crying out "The new phone books are here, the new phone books are here!"

Of course Clay will then stop and demolish a couple of them :mosher


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Funny related story of "The Jerk" - when my wife's mother packed up and left her husband during the divorce, the ONLY thing left in the house was this movie, neatly positioned in the middle of the floor so he would see it when he came home. Now it is his favorite movie!

And speaking of phonebooks in movies, yesterday I was watching Spongebob with my daughter (I'm not afraid to say it!) and Sandy the Squirrel got so pissed off that she tore a phone book in half. I was pretty impressed. And a little turned on.

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Dude, the mental image of a guy your size being turned on by an animated squirrel is, er, well, um.

All I can say is, it's about as weird as Bug Eyed Earl recounting a dream he had.

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Hey Clay...

No prank calls......"Is your refridgerator running?"...Better go chase it :whacked

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Today I ganked about 30 3/4 inch books from the pile at safeway -- tore 2 at the same time lengthwise in the parking lot for a PR =)

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Hey Clay, PM me your address and I'll mail you a Milwaukee phone book. Better yet post it here and maybe we can send you a collection from around the country, let's see how many cities you can rip.

Whatcha think?


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