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WAY TO GO DAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bow


Just so happy for ya man!! Knew it was a matter of time. You did it bro!!

Shaking my head here again!!!!!!! :bow:bow:bow

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Wow. That's about all I can say. Just wow.

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HEH HEH, May 15 2003, 01:38 AM

Certified Captain of Crush

Group: Membersk

Posts: 42

Joined: 12-March 03

SLAMMMMMMMMMEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD the #4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just did close girp bench, then tri downs, gittin ready to eat so got wife to watch. gave her a pencil, and a spatula ( using handle width for guide) told her to see whcih one was closer, i said i was gonna be happy with either since i aint dun anything in a week.

got a great set, then SQUEEESSSEEEDD.

she moved towards it then stopped, i said HURRY UP I KANT HOLD THIS FOREVER!!!


they stayed together for about 2 seconds then came apart a penny's width.

that was with no warm up. dunno if i should try it agina or just do the #3 tonite and hit it hard in two days.

holler at ya later on tonite



Notice the date on this PM. It has been killing me for months.

Dave told me not to say anything until he certified. My tongue can finally heal.

Dave all that hard work has made you the best.

It is an honor to call you friend!

Thanks for the video!

Now be the first to close the #4 and crush a red nail.

How did you do on the fresh out of the pack test?

Hey BBalldad and Dawg how was it seeing it live?

A blast I bet!!!

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AWESOME MAN!!!! Way to go!

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I think we should refer to you now as SUPER DAVE Morton!!! ;):D:D

Man, that is unbelievable... amazing... super!!! Good job, Dave!! :bow:rock:bow

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Big Steve yes it was certainly a blast to say the least. It went down so easy lol I was in awe!! I told Dave get certified now , PLEASE!!!!! And quit bending for awhile

don't hurt yourself, PLEASE!! But after that he bent the 12 blues back to back. lol

Me and Dawg and the rest of my family were amazed that day. I got it all on video and I guess I have watched it a hundred times now. lol Talk about some major motivation after seeing Dave that day. I just feel so fortunate to have been able to witness it. You guys that don't know Dave he is one super nice guy and really humble about all his accomplishments. He certainly is deserving of all the blessings that he receives. He has been a great help to me with all my stupid newbie questions for sure. lol Thanks Dave!! Oh and just how awesome was it for Brookfield to witness it!!! :bow Wow!!!!!!! I know you were pumped Dave!! lol

I'll end this by saying proud to call you friend Dave and look forward to us all getting together again bro. Its your day man!!! :bow

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Dave-Awesome job! I knew about this for awhile and like Big Steve my tounge can rest. It couldnt have happened for a nicer guy, Dave has been a huge help in my training. Congrats Dave, and I told you that saturday would be cake. Thats gettin it done :rock:rock

Its only the beginning for what is ahead for ya big fella-Austin S.

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thanks guys! you guys here on the gripboard really inspirded me to put all i had into it. i had closed it earlier this year, but i got sidetractd with other stuff and lost it till recently. after ricks comp, i really felt i needed to git it back. ive been workin on it with 110% and the shock to the system from what i had been doin realy paid off.

once i got it closed constitianly for two weeks, i called IM. dr. strossen called me and asked if i thought that nathans close was adequeatly verified. i said i thought so. he said he wanted to do the same thing this time. he contacted me and told me that john brookfield would be the witness. i called mr. brookfield and set the date for one of his shows nov.1. not only did he witness me, he went out of his way to make sure the condtions specifcally suited me,like, asked if it would pump me up in front of a crowd, or wanted to do it privately. and time of day, ect. i said id love to be a part of his ministry show and it would defienalty give the added adreneline. i met kirt nobels(sp) and john brookfield at the specified place and as the show progressed, mr. brookfield called me out in the middle of his first show and explained to the crowd what i was tryin for. he passed the gripper around to the crowd, then he inspected it, and handed it to me. with the rush i got form everything i had witnessed up to that point and the people watchin me, it went down easily. as the show contiinued and ended, i was amazed by the feats they preforemed and was very proud to be a part of his show. durin the tween show break, several poeple came over and i trieed showin all the grippers to anyone that asked. i think several guys are now hooked. did a little bendin, and got to play with all the strongman stuff and mr.brookfields toys. durin the break, i closed the 4 twice more to show someone up close, right before the second show, i tried to show a group of guys, and just missed it. i thought i was spent for the day. then the second show started, and wheni was called out, the adrenaline hit agian, and with mr. brookfield and a second witness watchin, i closed it agian, and just missed a double. ripped my pinky open in the process.

after it was over me friend and i helped relaod there equipment,and we met outside the show area and i had a go with a new unopened #4 per dr. stossen's instructions. my hands was spent and bleedin but i got it down far enuff to please mr. brookfield as to compare my 4 to a new one. i honestly believe with the conditons and adrenilne i had, i could have closed it had i attemped it first. mr. brookfield gave me the new gripper and a piece of his scrollwork as well. one hour later, headed home, i couldnt even set the gripper. my hands are toast.

mr. brookfield personally tested my gripper and he was very satisfied with its strenght.

it was my prevlegde to have been included in his ministry and i truely appreciate everything him and kirt and dr. strossen did to make it an enjoyable expeireance.

im sorry there is no videos or pics, but they was not allowed becuase of where the show was at. but i do have a video im gonna send in of the first time i closed it a couple weeks ago,but is not the best quality, its the one the pics were takin off of, but i will be makin another and sendinit to wannagrip by tape so it should be very good.

dr. strossen also asked if i thought i #5 gripper should be added. i told him i wanted no part of it if it was. :cry

i hope ive remebered everything, seen and did alot yesterday and have gotton no sleep. im glad i can share this with everyone now and hope it inspires everyone to go for there goals with even more fieracity.

if your havent seen johns' and kirts' show, i would highly recamend it. some amazin things go on in them and they are a truely blessed.

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