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Add 2 New Blob Lifters

Wade Gillingham

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Nick Best and Vicken Atarian both lifted the blob this weekend at the Mr. Olympia Expo. Nick is an ex-powerlifter who won the amateur rolling thunder contest this summer at the GNC Vegas Strongman Contest, and Vicken is a top Highland's game competitor from California that told me he will be turning pro next year. Nick is about 6'1", 265, Vicken is about the same height and I would guess him to be around 300-320 pounds. Both worked very hard to get it - Vicken about an hour straight. Only 4 people have lifted the blob at the 3 Blob Challenges that I have run for GNC over a total of 7 days. Odd Haugen, Richard Sorin, Nick Best, Vicken Atarian. The conditions are very difficult at these shows!

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You said the conditions were very difficult at the shows. By that do you mean there were no warm up block weights, no chalk, the room being cold? Just curious.


"Live long, stay strong" - C.F.B.

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Nobody is really warmed up when they are walking around the expo. Plus you have everybody and their girlfriend touching the blob which makes it slick as hell.

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Hello Wade ,

Reading your tremendous stats and grip records in Iron Grip magazine , i notice your about the same stamp as Apollon (6ft 2 and between 265 and 280) and huge nine inch hands.Are your wrist and forearms of the same range as Apollons also ?


Chris James

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I'm sure I'm much smaller. My forearms are around 16" - hard to measure, and my wrists are a very small 8.5".

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Guest gripmaster316

that is a good forearm Wade. I am just curious on how you measured your forearm. was it goosnecked? or just straight out? You also have a big wrist.

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I am close to Apollon in height, weight, hand size and bone structure. Inspite of this I am only about average in grip strength around here. I have some pics of Apollon where he looks in very sloppy shape.

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my wrists are a very small 8.5".

That's huge wrists Wade ! :blink

I have 6.9" wrists which is considered as average from what i've read :stuart

I'm guessing Wade is used to be around guys with huge wrists thus his wrists seem small...by comparison to these 'others'.

his dad?brothers? and then all the pro strongmen and super heavy powerlifters he's been around.I'm guessing some of his dads ex NFL buddies are probably pretty thick wristed too?

Mine are a around 8 1/4 and they seem small to me also.My hands are 7 3/4",probably average size?but they look like girl hands...in my own mind.

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Mine are 8 5/8'' and look normal size to me. There again I have been told by others that I have huge wrists. I would say that 9'' or over is uncommon, and 7'' about average.

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Warren Tetting measured my hands at a little over 8.25 and wrists at 8.5. He also taped my forearm at 15.5 cold and straight.

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Thanks Wade 8.5 is huge especially for your age , i bet 10 years more of that monster grip workouts you do and you'll be topping 9.

OldGuy , your strength and size will never be called ordinary which ever board you go on.

Matt i'd wear a rolled him shirt or a t-shirt all the time if i had those measurements.

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