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Today, in Stillwater, MN, at 11:30 a.m. (CST), Jeff Bissonnette farmer's walked (from a full deadlift) with an Inch replica in each hand for 10'11", breaking Matt Graham's record. Witnesses included Matt Makousky, Brian Carlton, Alex DiMarco, Mark Lundquist, Chris Munger, Joel Sward, David Ostlund, and a woman unknown to me.

Also today, in Stillwater, MN, at 12:00 noon (CST), Joel Sward farmer's walked (from a full deadlift) with an Inch replica in each hand for 48.8 feet, breaking Jeff Bissonnette's record from a half-hour ago. Witnesses included Matt Makousky, Brian Carlton, Alex DiMarco, Mark Lundquist, Chris Munger, Jeff Bissonnette, David Ostlund, and a woman unknown to me.

Joel Sward, before doing this feat, had never attempted to pick up an Inch replica in his life, let alone farmer's walk with two of them for almost fifty feet! A tire and a conan's wheel got in his way a bit at the end and I think he could have gone farther if those impediments weren't there.

Matt and I left our Inch replicas at Jeff's gym in Stillwater so I imagine that we'll be seeing some improvements on these distances over the course of the winter.

Video and pics to come...


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Joel Sward, before doing this feat, had never attempted to pick up an Inch replica in his life, let alone farmer's walk with two of them for almost fifty feet! A tire and a conan's wheel got in his way a bit at the end and I think he could have gone farther if those impediments weren't there.


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Amazing! Congrats Jeff and Joel. This 'raises' the DIFW to new frontiers.

Roughly 16 yards.

BC, tell me someone measured Joel's hand. I cannot imagine it being

of average length for such a virgin success.

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What can anyone say about a feat that is that IMPRESSIVE!!!!!!!! :bow There must be more of these freaks (and I mean this as the most sincere compliment) out there! Could anyone imagine something that AWESOME ever happening? Once again some of the things that are done from members on this board just leave me shaking my head in awe ! :rock UNREAL !!!!!Mike

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I didn't measure it but it won't be a problem to do it in the near future. I did get a pic of Jeff's and Joel's hands together and I believe that Jeff stated recently that his hands are about 8.5"? Their hands are similar in length but Joel's are much thicker.

I can't believe that I just saw two people do a DIFW within a half-hour of each other!


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Indeed you are fortunate to witness such ground trodding feats! And we are

fortunate for the details you offer, time, names of witnesses etc.

I was in Stillwater a few years ago; beautiful place, and it just got prettier earlier


One wonders what Joel could do with the Millennium.

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Congrats to all!

"One wonders what Joel could do with the Millennium." -- LIFT IT!!!!!!!!!


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Thanks to BC and the rest of the guys for setting a standard for "proof" with lots of credible witnesses and video! And now, without further ado.....

Joel Sward:


Jeff Bissonnette:


Check out Sward's hand thickness! :ohmy

P.S. Reduced Brian's files to much smaller files. One from 9meg to 650K. :mosher Lost just a touch of resolution, but worth the disk space. ;)

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Looks awesome, but I got no sound?!?

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BTW!he is one thick dude!!!!

Never heard of him.....is he an amateur strongman competitor?



Any knowledge of his gym lifts?

he's a hoss for sure.Impressive.

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Tremendous accomplishment! :ohmy:ohmy Congratulations to both Jeff and Joel. Guess we need a new records category on the Grip Board. Someone close to them, should try to talk Jeff and Joel into giving some other grip feats a go--one hand pinch lift, vertical bar lift,etc. :)

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Wonderful videos- what a board. History is made and within 4 hours we are

seeing it!

Remember Inch once claimed that he carried his 172 in one hand, and his 75

pound lookalike) in the other hand around his garden, a distance he estimated to be 150 feet, which though a lighter feat, is triple the distance that Joel did.

Problem is, we have proof Joel did it. And there are several major reasons to doubt

Thomas Inch.

Thanks for letting us see what I consider to be a stunning world class feat- we must

remember how many otherwise strong men, cannot fully deadlift an Inch, let alone


A fun day for me!

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It was an awesome display, the race is on now


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Nice video action, I thought you just did a series of stills. Who's that good-looking guy in the black shirt pointing at the dents in the floor at the end of Sward's walk? :tongue

Edited by CMunger
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Joel Sward is about 6'1" and 305lbs, he said he's a little over 300. He's an x powerlifter. best dead is about 740 squat I believe is the same I think his bench is his worst and that is still in the upper fours. I coaxed him into trying grip things a month ago. He did 186lbs easily on my 2.5inch, and broke 45's from the ground after I explained what a pinch grip was.

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:) Jeff, Thanks for the extra details. With a 740 dead lift it doesn't surprise me that he has such fantastic grip strength. Hand size, and hand strength specifically have got to be other significant factors. Maybe we can talk such notables as Phil Pfister, Andy Bolton, Gary Frank, David Horne, Steve Gardener, and Jim Wylie into taking a crack at this event. Not to mention Magnus Samuelson, Svend Karlsen, and Odd Haugen (taking a crack at the master's record at age 53 or so). Super impressive stuff :ohmy
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Odd does 400+lbs double over hand on the axle for stiff legged deadlifts, he reps out at this. I think he could do it.

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Looks awesome, but I got no sound?!?

There is no sound on BC's videos.

Yes, unfortunately my video clips are actually recorded with my digital camera, which does not include audio. I've been researching digital video cameras recently and will purchase one soon.


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Their shoulders must be the strongest joints in their bodies to anchor such weight. :bow:bow

Nah, that's nothing on the shoulder joints... On Farmer's Walk they work up to dang near twice the weight of the inch. To me it seems like wrist/forearm strength. It just wants to roll out. I was messing around w/ a 2" thickbar jsut holding it, and it didn't take long before my forearms were burning. My fingers were fine, but they only reach halfway around a thickbar (and obviously the smae w/ the Inch) so it becomes more of a wrist thing to fight the "roll" But so yeah, I doubt they even feel it in their shoulders.

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