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Dynamic Thumb Training

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Has anyone else noticed bruising of the thumb after doing specialized training for it? I've been doing it for almost a month now and am seeing great gains in size and strength of the muscle. But, I realized this morning that it was actually bruised and I could see that the veins in that area were considerably darker. It does't hurt or effect my training in any way, and looking at it right now its only mildly pink. It was first thing in the morning that I noticed. I was just wondering if anyone else noticed the same thing?

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I recently bruised the thumb pad on my right hand after tearing several phone books in a 2-day period. It took a couple days to heal and now is perfectly fine. Until my hands toughened up a bit, the grippers used to hurt my hands as well. But as far as dynamic thumb work causing the bruising, I'm guessing you just burst a blood vessel. But I'm not a doctor :)

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Using different sized pony clamps doing negatives w/ assitance of the other thumb. I was thinking about nailing them to a board so my fingers dont help pull at all.

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I too train thumbs with a Pony clamp that has rubber bands wrapped around it's jaws. I have used it everyday since the beggining of this year. No brusing to speak of, and no apparent increase in the size of the thumbpad. I have gotten stronger if the number of rubber bands added is any kind of indicator.

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Oldguy-If im not mistaken hasnt your pinch block wieghts improved while doing the pony clamp thing also? Kind of a nice way to maintain or even increase your pinch while hitting the grippers hard. Austin

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