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Happy Birthday Rick Walker!


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Happy Birthday Rick!

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Congrats on another year!

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Thanks guys. You all are like my second family, especially those of you I have met and been in the trenches with. I llok forward to meeting many more of you in the years to come. :mosher

26 years old now. :mellow Where does the time go? Seems like yesterday I was leaving high school-now it is 8 years later. I am married, have kids, a house, a morgage, my own house of pain. Wow. The years are flying and they get faster every year.

The good side is I still feel 18. My 17-year old step son got frisky last night and asked me if I was ready for my birthday whoopin'. I twisted him up into a pretzel faster than he could say "ouch" and he is taller and heavier than me. :happy All in good fun of course, but I still feel great.

When I met Eddy Coan at the 2003 Arnold and actually had some time to talk to him-he told me I have not even begun to hit my good years. He told me the real strength will come in my 30s. Wow. I have that to look forward to and that excites me.

The wife and I are talking about haing a baby in 2004. It is going to be difficult as she has her tubes tied. But-we both want one and I am stoked to bring a little linebacker into the world. :tongue

I am also pursuing my own gym in 2004. The ball is rolling-and this is what I want to do ultimately. My area is small-but the demand is there as I have had atleast 100 people from town call and inquire about training. It is just a matter of kicking it into gear and getting a place opened up. Not a huge commercial place-a private studio. 1 on 1. So many people are affriad of big gyms.

My first strongman is less than 2 weeks away. I am ready. I feel I lost a little strength fighting to stay around 200 ( i have been as heavy as 260 believe it or not! :whacked ) 2004 will see me get up to 220 as I feel a hell of a lot stronger there. Heck-I feel stronger at 210 then I do now. But, my conditioning is sky high and I have been working the events. I will put in a good showing and God willing, qualify for Nationals 2004.

After this contest heavy grip work resumes. I havent lost a step-I can still mash a #3, hoist the Blob, etc. My hands actually feel fresh. There are many more things I want to achieve though. This better reiterates my point of chasing the #4 and being competitive in other sports at the same time. Training strongman has whacked me and left me unable to train grip. Maybe, if I am not dieting, I can do both.

I might hit a couple raw ADAU powerlifting meets in 2004 as well to gage my strength levels.

Thanks again guys- :bow

Rick Walker :rock

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Happy Birthday Rick!

I will be competing in my first Strongman comp in less than 2 weeks myself. Best of luck, from one shaved-headed, goatee'd, tatooed, "I lift really heavy stuff for fun" person to another!


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