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Finally Closed The # 2


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What a great feeling. I've been working towards closing the # 2 for 7 months now.

A year ago I could not close the Trainer when I first got it in the mail from Ironmind. It took me a couple days to get the technique down and then it was cake. The # 1 was a beast though. Took me 6 months to go from a trainer to a # 1. I was stuck on the last 1/16th of the # 1 for like 6 months. I probally never would have closed it if it was not for the Gripboard and the KTA Program.

So here I am 7 months later after I first closed the # 1. I've been stuck on the last 1/8 of the # 2 for about a month. Then Bill and John released the PDA Choker Collar. I got mine last thursday and was able to close my # 2 lefty and righty right off the bat. I've seen doing 5 singles a day on my # 2 with the Choker installed.

Yesterday I decided to take the choker off and give my # 2 a go. Lo and behold I mashed it shut. Even held it shut for 5 seconds to get my buddy to verify.

Only 4 days of training with the PDA Choker allowed me to achieve my goal.

This is an amazing little training tool and is the key to building the crush.

It lets you get the gripper positioned in your hand and keeps you from wasting all your energy on the sweep. I highly recommend the PDA Choker to anyone who is serious about closing their goal gripper.

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I closed the newer one that I got 2 weeks ago.

I am still 1/16th away on the older # 2.

Edited by tmmicklabs
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Yep that choker collar really does the job. I was able to finally close my #2 with my left hand the other day for the first time. I also am now pretty consistant with always being able to close my #2 with my right hand where before it had been hit and miss. At some point I'm going to start using the collar on my PDA .280 with my right but I think I still need use it on the #2 for a while.

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Tmmicklabs, congratulations on persevering and finally conquering one very tough gripper. Doesn't if feel great!

I tried making a homemade "choker" from cable and a couple of hose clamps, for my #4. The four pulled the cable away from the clamps, despite the fact I set it up to hold the gripper a full 1 1/2 inches from closure.

Do you think part of your success with the two is due to developing a better set? I can see where a choker could "teach" you how to do this. Or did the choker primarily enable you to work on strengthening the final close? Anyways, good job!

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Nice job! I just might have to get myself one of those little toys.

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Tmmicklabs, congratulations on persevering and finally conquering one very tough gripper. Doesn't if feel great!

I tried making a homemade "choker" from cable and a couple of hose clamps, for my #4. The four pulled the cable away from the clamps, despite the fact I set it up to hold the gripper a full 1 1/2 inches from closure.

Do you think part of your success with the two is due to developing a better set? I can see where a choker could "teach" you how to do this. Or did the choker primarily enable you to work on strengthening the final close? Anyways, good job!


The choker allowed my to concentrate on the close.

I've always had a good sweep.

I still havent figured out how to set the grippers yet :blush

Everything I do is a no-set.

The choker does allow one to experiment and find the sweet spot in ones hand though. My training now only consist of doing overcrushes on my # 2 with the choker on in the P1 position. This leaves 1 inch between the handles on both the # 2's that I have. Thank you everyone on for your support. Hopefully I will be the first COC on this board that could not close a trainer when he first started.

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I agree as well the collar is really great at allowing you to focus on the final close. It basically allows you to do partials that really hit your ring and pinkie fingers hard. I would however like to hear feedback from some of the #3 closers who are using it to see if they get as much benifit as us with weaker grip.

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Well done Boss! This is still my target gripper and I think I've just seen the light.

I am also in the process of getting my hands on the new RB180 that I think will help me on my quest.

How often do you train Tmmicklabs? Just out of interest.


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I train from 7 am to 4 pm...Monday through Friday.

I rest my hands on the weekend.

I just to singles with my goal gripper and 10 second overcrushes with a my # 1.

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