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First Blood


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I wasn't TRYING for this, but I struck my first blood today while doing my gripper workout. I feel like I fit in now :)

Glad I had some athletic tape from work here so I could wrap up, and finish it out. Can't wait for tomorrow's domination. ITS ON !


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As my OL coach says : "tape your hands and keep on lifting".

A skin tear is not a reason to miss a workout. Unless it is really bad. I had some major skin tears during KTA and had to miss a few workouts to heal my hands. However, will power was always there to help me progress.

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A skin tear is not a reason to miss a workout.

How true! I have yet to complete a pinch session without tearing the skin between my thumb and forefinger.

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Ahhhhhh....the pain!

I have a pinch block that I use to warm up which is a 20kg figure of 8 brick. This thing is so coarse that theres only one way to stop it ripping at your skin and thats to hold on even tighter! :blink


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My #2.....pre KTA....has battle earned blood stains on it.

I was careful when I had to make it a BTR gripper NOT to file off any of it.

Very proud of those stains. :D

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I always rips my skin when pinching too.

In my OL workout, I tear a full dime under my pinkies almost every time I use a heavy weight in the snatch. I have to use tape in all my workout, on my hands and on my shins.

I make a total mess of myself with blood and chalk but when it comes to lifting a big C&J or snatch, I'm there.

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I work in a hospital. And open wounds on my hands are the worst thing I could possibly have. Using latex gloves and constant hand washing( at least 10x each hour) are my best chance at preventing blood born pathogen transmition. My hands are finally starting to callus from KTA. Luckily, no skin tears yet.Unfortunately, the very act of hand washing and glove wearing causes my hands to peel dead skin very rapidly. So I have to be REAL catious about actually tearing my hand open during training. No amount of grip strength is worth contracting some of the stuff I'm around. I think that chalk must provide the best protection from having a gripper slip around and do exess cutting of the skin. As far as pinching goes, all bets are off. Your going to cause shearing of the dermis regardless of technique. You would have to wear leather gloves tapped at the wrist to prevent that.

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Athletic tape is great for rips. It is also good to use on areas that are getting ready to go. I tape the "hot spots" on my fingers before the open up.


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